Year11:GCSE/IGCSE Year12:AS Year13:A2,拿到offer顺利出国 CAIE课程的第一年是GCSE/IGCSE阶段,一般是YEAR11的同学来学习的,大家通常会选5-6个科目来学习。学校一般会提供Core Papers和Extended Papers让学生来选择。为了让你有机会冲击高分,大多数学校都建议学生去选Extended Papers来学习。 接下来就会进入到A Lev...
1.GCSE/IGCSE GCSE/IGCSE是CIE课程的第一阶段,一般是Year 11的同学修读的课程。很多同学会选择5-6门科目进行考试。这些科目有未来2年A-LEVEL的学习有直接的关系。因此,在这个阶段,尽量选择一个对之后大学专业申请有帮助的科目。这个阶段中,不同的学校会选择提供不同的paper。有的是"Core Papers",有的"Extended ...
Year 11 PPE EXAM TIMETABLE Revision Top Tips Poster January 16, 2025Leave a comment Here are 8 ways to revise for English Language or Literature examinations. Try a range of strategies in order to maximise the best out of your revision time. If you require any additional past papers, please...
Michael Gove will suggest that all 13-year-olds should study for the 100-year-old test to indicate how well they are 'performing against some of the top schools around the world'.He will insist it is wrong that between national curriculum tests at age 11 and GCSEs at 16, children have...
英国小升初 11+ English Year 5-7 Testpack A Papers 1-4 英语小学五年级测试套装A GL考试练习试卷1-4含答案 中商原版 中商童书旗舰店 关注店铺 评分详细 商品评价: 4.7 高 物流履约: 4.6 中 售后服务: 4.6 中 手机下单 进店逛逛|关注店铺
In the future, my attention will be directed toward these disadvantaged GCSE students. Previously, I have been more involved in supporting the higher level of A’ level Maths. I look forward to the opportunity of helping out where I can. I stated last year that I felt that just as ...
Wales Has to Show Its Qualifications Are the Equal of England's; A Year after the Welsh Government's Controversial Decision to Regrade GCSE Papers in Wales in the Face of Opposition from Westminster, Education Correspondent Gareth Evans Examines the Future ...
through a series of accountability hoops… The idea that children will not, for example, hear or play the great works of classical musicians or learn about the intricacies of ancient civilisations – all because they are busy preparing for a different set of GCSEs – would be a terrible ...
1) XXX has made excellent / good / reasonable / progress in his / her studies in (French) this year.2) XXX has failed to make a good impression in (French) this year.3) XXX has worked very hard over the last two years and has made very good progress in GCSE Mandarin.4) ...