Important Dates Start Date 2025年9月15日 End Date 2026年6月19日 Length 3 Terms Fees and Pricing Estimated cost of attendance Tuition fee £ 22,995.00 住宿 £ 2,244.00 - 11,328.00 报名费(必须) £ 250.00 教科书(必修) £ 250.00 - 345.00 实验费(视必修课程而定) £ 500.00 机场...
This weekend Chetham’s students are helping to mark the Armistice in school and across the region. Young brass players performed at Victoria Station; violinist Faye Lam played Vaughan Williams’The Lark Ascendingat a major orchestral event in Preston, and boarders gathered on the yard at 11am o...