在英国读书的孩子们一般从14~16岁 (Year 10~Year 11)正式进入GCSE的学习,只用两年时间来修读GCSE的话,时间上可能会有点紧。因此,很多学校会在Year 9的时候就开始教授GCSE课程,或者进行GCSE课程的衔接。 所以,很多提早规划的低龄留学家庭,出于GCSE课程学习的考虑,会在英国13+/Year 9 时送孩子入学,这样孩子有Year...
两个学期学了这么多东西然后直接参加考试还是压力很大的,说实话考之前我以为除了数学科科都要挂,结果我得了如此多的A*和A还得了UK Mathematical Challenge的金奖,所以这两学期真的挺让我有成就感的。 2015-16学年,开始了Year10(国内初三)学习GCSE,这才是重要的开始。非常,非常,忙。(---2018年更新-呵呵当时那也...
KEY CHANGES • All Year 10 students will be entered for the entire GCSE English Language qualification in November 2013, ieSpring weeks
Year 11 Subject Selection – Picture?? Course Description In VCE Literature students undertake close reading of texts (novels, plays films) and analyse how language and literary elements and techniques function within a text. Emphasis is placed on recognition of a text’s complexity and meaning, a...
Cambridge, Pearson or Oxford AQA i GCSE English as a Second Language GCSE English Language Password Online (delivered through Durham University) Pearson Academic PTE / Pearson Academic PTE Online Trinity ISE (revised) Language Tests taken in the UK on the same day ...
> 预售 新 KS3 英语 8 年级针对性练习册(附答案)New KS3 English Year 8 Targeted Workbook (with answers) 中商原版 中商童书旗舰店 关注店铺 评分详细 商品评价: 4.7 高 物流履约: 4.6 中 售后服务: 4.8 高 手机下单 进店逛逛|关注店铺 关注 ...
CGP GCSE CGP A-level Global Primary Global Secondary HKEP Primary HKEP Secondary 词典卡片工具书 数学建模 SASMO STRETCH高阶思维 牛津ProjectX分级读物 Graded Reader带音频 美国小学英语SOE 国际教育(年级) 学龄前Pre-K&K 小学Grade1-6 初中Grade7-9 高中Grade10-12 国际教育(出版社) Pearson Education Camb...
(economics for most business fields). Also, compulsory subjects such as English and a native language (usually, though certainly not always, Hindi) are found in the first, and, occasionally, the second years. Consequently, the final number of hours for the chosen subject will be much more ...
(economics for most business fields). Also, compulsory subjects such as English and a native language (usually, though certainly not always, Hindi) are found in the first, and, occasionally, the second years. Consequently, the final number of hours for the chosen subject will be much more ...
YEARS 10 AND 11 KEY STAGE 4 CURRICULUM (IGCSES) At Key Stage 4, our students work towards their GCSE exams. Your child will study nine GCSE subjects, which are structured into option groups that offer as much choice and flexibility as possible. Alongside compulsory maths, English language, ...