So then why did the Tuskegee Institution carry on working with the Public Health Service, when they knew the end result would be the death of 400 men? There is no clear-cut reason, but there are potential contributing factors. One would be that Tuskegee Institution was reliant on donations ...
the White Slavery panics were fundamentally about Respectable Women worried that if men could BUY sex, their leverage would be gone. apply that to a generation or three of Misandrist (but not necessarily Lesbian) Feminists Who want to control men, and are at least dimly aware that since they...
(I guess because they have no intention of being a responsible one.) (And, what, they assume that any woman who has sex with them is having sex with dozens of men and so is infected? From one or more of those dozens ofmen, I’ll point out. And they assume that women are ...
By the time the study shut up shop, it is believed 28 men had died of syphillis, 100 more of related complications and multiple partners of the men had unknowingly contracted syphilis, which in turn resulted in at least 19 children being born with the diesease at birth. What at first sta...
‘oblivious to, and potentially disruptive of, the interests of people of colour’ who had fought quite hard for some of those rights), before getting to the real meat of the issue: white attendees at CLS conferences were rude to black academics; they took all the big speaking slots for ...