zeeyoung69: New Stuff Wild guitar jam from Zee Young! (aka 楊子毅 ZeeYi Yang) And that’s a new moniker and a new fb address for... (Linying) Just read that Linying is going to be at Summer Sonic in Tokyo next month, you can read a short interview with her over ...
Right now, we’re in your first GitHubrepository. A repository is like a folder or storage space for your project. Your project's repository contains all its files such as code, documentation, images, and more. It also tracks every change that you—or your collaborators—make to each file...
Roundup from fb: The new ep 閉上眼睛 from Hello Nico now at iNDIEVOX! 2 of the songs were already shared on StreetVoice, now #1 and #2 in the SV top ten. =D Hong Kong mini-fest this Friday: 8月5號(星期五)晚上7點, VS Music 越洋請到台灣熱血搖滾系樂團「P!SCO 」嚟到西灣河蒲吧...
Well that’s just gorgeous! =D Crowd Lu 盧廣仲, with lyrics by 姚若龍 Daryl Yao There’s a lot of info (and lyrics) back at YT about the recording, one thing I noticed was “全專輯採用Acoustic Trio原音樂團編制、現場同步錄音” The album was done by recording live an *acoustic trio...
Pleasantryagain, with a song from their 2014 album,Synapses. I also recommend you go back to YT to hear the cover they did for Lush FM’s 50 songs in 50 days. It’s nice and twee! =D (Source: zeeyoung69: New Stuff Wild guitar jam from Zee Young! (aka 楊子毅 ZeeYi Yang) And that’s a new moniker and a new fb address for...
Two chill dream-pop tracks from Singapore’s Pleasantry in this joint EP with Starry Eyed Cadet from San Francisco . They will be touring the US later this month. Check out their tour schedulehere. That song Coasts fromPleasantryis a beautiful thing, dreampop that turns slightly aggressive ...
I should add that I couldn’t get the song to play at the weixin link up top, but both douban and SC are fine. 新单| 《马 horse》跟鸭打鹅一起抖腿 July 9, 2016 新单| 《马 horse》跟鸭打鹅一起抖腿 niubibeijing: so many animals. ...
So, through some photos and mention on theHOCCfb, that’s how I stumbled upon Karmen. I highly recommend you check out her3-song Hope Land (2013) ep at bandcamp, well worth the $6.50 I just paid! =D Here is Karmen with Soni Cheng (GDJYB) at a Listening Party for the release: ...