Play the saxophone anytime, anywhere with the YDS-150 Digital / Electronic Saxophone featuring the Integrated Bell Acoustic System with volume control.
Play the saxophone anytime, anywhere with the YDS-150 Digital / Electronic Saxophone featuring the Integrated Bell Acoustic System with volume control.
从外形上来看,YDS-150 忠实复刻了传统萨克斯风乐器的按键位置。不仅经验老到的演奏者对此感到熟悉,刚入门的新手也可借此来打下坚实的基础。雅马哈表示,YDS-150 数字萨克斯风集成了专有的增强声效系统,顶部扬声器单元的声音和振动可通过音管传递到底部的铜制喇叭口。Yamaha Digital Saxophone YDS-150(via)据说这种...
The arrival of the YDS-150, which offers both the form and feel of an acoustic instrument and the convenience and functionality of a digital one, makes saxophone performance a more familiar experience than ever before. You can adjust the volume or use headphones to play whenever and wherever i...
Yamaha YDS-150 Digital Saxophone的内置扬声器是2.5瓦。亲,问的是这个型号的吗?雅马哈YDS150电萨克斯是一款高品质的电萨克斯,外观简洁大方,具有高灵敏度和高能量输出,使您能够恰到好处地表现出您真实的演奏技巧。它拥有一个标准的3/4大小的木制声板、品质精良的指板,丰富的细节改进,确保您的演奏...
雅马哈YAMAHA YDS-150电吹管购买建议 自从2020年9月5日,互联网上传出各种谍照视频,9月23日,YAMAHA 发布了新一代的电子吹奏乐器,Yamaha Digital Saxophone——数字萨克斯,这是雅马哈新型电吹管的名字,型号就是首字母的缩写 YDS-150。此后每隔几天,相关的介绍视频和推广内容都会一步步进行。
DIGITAL SAXOPHONE YDS-150 取扱説明書 Owner's Manual Benutzerhandbuch Mode d'emploi Manual de instrucciones Manual do Proprietário Руководствопользователя 사용설명서 使用说明书 JA EN DE FR ES PT RU KO ZH FCC INFORMATION (U.S.A.) 1. IMPORTANT NOTICE:...
雅马哈yds-150使用说明书.pdf,h s i l g n E h c s t u e D s i a ç n a r DIGITAL SAXOPHONE F l o ñ a YDS-150 p s E s ê u g u t r o P йикс c y Р Owner’s Manual Benutzerhandbuch Mode d’emploi Manual de instrucciones Manual do Proprietário Р
If the problem is not resolved after trying the above, try initializing the YDS-150 unit or reinstalling the “YDS Controller” app. Note 1: For instructions on how to initialize the digital saxophone unit, refer to p. 11 of theOwner's Manual. ...