耀中耀華的龐大網絡遍佈10 座國際城市,全部學校遵循統一的教育使命,教學方法一脈相承。不同家 庭在各地遷移的情況普遍,我們因此為內部轉校提供便利,使學生可在任何一所耀中耀華學校繼續接受 優質教育。 耀中耀華聘用充滿熱誠的合資格教師,通過專業發展工作坊,不斷提升他們的技能,幫助他們了解全球 趨勢,與時並進。一批...
YCYW received the "Outstanding Contribution Award (Group)". This award is presented to an education group that has been in operation for more than a decade, operates a minimum of three international schools, and has earned a disti...
本课程将从制片人的视角出发,探索电视情景喜剧的课题。在课程期间,学生们参与到对电视情境喜剧业的深入分析,并创作一部属于自己的情景喜剧片花。最最初的创意、提案陈述道最后的剧本和预算制作,学生们将完整地参与到情景喜剧的制作中去。 执行制片之二 本课程将引领学生们了解影片的前期制作(包括人才考察、选址、拍摄...
我们诚邀您参加 11月 16 日星期四晚上 8 点下一期“耀中耀华家校网络研讨会”讲座。讲座内容与幼儿至高年级的孩子都息息相关,演讲人将为家长提供实用性策略,帮助他们化身孩子的“好帮手”,而非“救生员”。 请扫描海报上的“保利威”或微信二维码预约参与。 我们期待在11月16日晚的...
Middle States Association of Colleges and SchoolsDavid Dronsick
Smart Snacks in Schools YCJUSD Child Nutrition Services 1 General Information Smart Snacks in Schools went into effect July 1, 2104 Competitive food: all foods and beverages sold on school campus outside of the reimbursable meal program to students Standards apply from midnight to 30 minutes after...
Printed by University Printing House, Jyvskyl, Finland 2004 ISSN 1239-4742 ISBN951-39-2001-1 (Printed version) ISBN 951-39-2004-6 (pdf) The next step is to develop a moreinteractive form of participation. eJournalism creating and publishing contentS Kurki, P Pirhonen...