Artist's alternative names: Kusama Yayoi VIEW 76 ARTWORKS FOR SALE At Auction Notable Lots Pumpkin,1993 By Yayoi Kusama Pumpkin (LPASG),2013 By Yayoi Kusama +13% above mid-estimate Interminable Net #4,1959 By Yayoi Kusama +4% above mid-estimate ...
Tsumari in Bloom, by Yayoi Kusama. Born in 1929 in Matsumoto, Japan, Kusama briefly studied painting in Kyoto before moving to New York…
On that occasion, Yayoi Kusama secretly put up for sale 1,500 spheres next to the Italy pavilion with two signs that read: “Your narcissism for sale” and “Narcissus Garden, Kusama”. Exhibition Galeria Yayoi Kusama Works exhibited at Galeria Yayoi Kusama: Aftermath of Obliteration of ...
草间弥生 Yayoi Kusama草间弥生(Yayoi Kusama),出生于日本长野县松本市,毕业于日本长野县松本女子学校。在1956年移居美国纽约市,并开始展露她占有领导地位的前卫艺术创作,现居住在日本东京。 她曾与当代卓…
YAYOI KUSAMA,《INFINITY-NETS (NOLM)》, 2013(作品背面) 162 x 130.3 公分,63¾ x 51¼ 英寸 Condition report Provenance Ota Fine Arts Acquired from the above by the present owner --- Ota Fine Arts畫廊 現藏者購自上述來源 Catalogue noteFollow Us twitter facebook...
Past Auction Yayoi Kusama Japanese, born 1929 Medium mixed media Size 14 x 14 x 14 cm. (5.5 x 5.5 x 5.5 in.) Sale Consectetur Estimate Lorem ipsum dolor sit ame Price Tincidunt dui ut ornare Subscribe now to view details for this work, and gain access to over 18 million auction resul...
Yayoi Kusama Japanese, born 1929 圆点乐园 (Dot paradise),2011 Medium acrylic on mirror Size 33 x 25 cm. (13 x 9.8 in.) Edition Dummy thicc text, amirite? Description Keffiyeh truffaut disrupt Sale Consectetur Estimate Lorem ipsum dolor sit ame ...
The Broad has also created a new ticketing system that allows guests to forego the waiting line for the room. Masks will be required at all times when entering the museum and the Infinity Mirrored Room. Kusama, who has become the highest-selling female artist in the world in recent years...
We took a small peek into the polka-dotted world of Yayoi Kusama for Louis Vuitton two weeks ago, but now we have some new details (and photos!
said Kusama’s “lust for fame” had to be put into context. Comparing her to Andy Warhol – whom Kusama claimed had copied her – he wrote, “It should not be forgotten that she was less readily accepted since she was a woman; and battling for ground in a foreign tongue; and living...