Nay means no. But we don’t use yea or nay in everyday speech anymore. Your boss might look at you strangely if you answer her question with “Nay!” Usually, we see yea or nay used in archaic texts. It’s also used in many government and business settings for voting; however even...
Yayis simply an alternate spelling ofyeahoryea, which have distinct pronunciations and meanings. (Yeah, an informal variant ofyes, is pronounced “ya” and sometimes spelled that way;yea, which sounds likeyay, survives as an affirmation in biblical contexts and as a counterpart tonayin voting c...
Voting yea means that you are in favor of the proposal. Even less commonly in modern speech, it can also be used instead of “indeed” or when you want to emphasize and reiterate something you just said. Yea is by no means a recent entry into the language—its origin can be traced ...
Voting yea means that you are in favor of the proposal. Even less commonly in modern speech, it can also be used instead of “indeed” or when you want to emphasize and reiterate something you just said. Yea is by no means a recent entry into the language—its origin can be traced ...