言论自由资本控制, 英国伦敦2月1日有数千名示威者在市中心参加游行,呼吁释放被判入狱18个月的极右翼人物汤米鲁宾逊(Tommy Robinson,本名为Stephen Yaxley-Lennon)。警方当日出动数百警力应对,有6名示威者被捕。 2018年一段显示叙利亚难民Jamal Hijazi在英国西约克郡(West Yorkshire)一间学校被攻击的影片流传网络,鲁宾逊...
His barrister Charles Sherrard QC said that in January 2013 when the Yaxley-Lennon was jailed for 10 month for using someone else’s passport to travel to the USA he had spent the whole time in solitary and was moved to four different jails for his safety. “Even in solitary he was rega...
In his last interview before scooting off to the US, ‘Batshit preacher’ Calvin Robinson said he wouldn’t be able to come back for Stephen Yaxley-Lennon’s October 26 rally in London. He would have come back for an earlier date but couldn’t make that one. And now we k...
这一次,与当选总统特朗普关系密切的马斯克向英国极右翼活动人士汤米·罗宾逊提供了支持。他周四在自己的 X 账户上写道: “释放汤米·罗宾逊!”罗宾逊的真名是史蒂芬·亚克斯利·列侬 (Stephen Yaxley-Lennon),10 月底因违反 2021 年法庭裁决而被判处 18 个月监禁,该裁决禁止他重复发布对叙利亚难民的诽谤性言论。但马斯...