解析 1 .M yfathe rlike st ohav e an ap a tnoo never yday. 结果一 题目 1. My father likes to have a n ap at noon every day. 答案 答案见上 结果二 题目 1.My father likes to have a n ap aat noon every day. 答案 答案见上相关推荐 11. My father likes to have a n...
A ATh eweath e ri nLondo ni sver ycol dthi swinter .Man ypeopl ehav e acol d.Th e yg oto s e eth edocto r.Ther ear eman ypeopl ewaitin goutsid eth edoctor' sroom . A nol dwoma nis ATh eweath e ri nLondo ni sver ycol dthi swinter .Man ypeopl ehav e acol d...
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My colleg elife A sw eknow ,man ypeopl efavou rth eid e ath atth ecolleg elif ei sfr e ean dcomfortabl e ,but I' dlik et osa yit' sn ottru e . A s amatt e ro ffact ,m ylif ei nuniversit yi ss obus ytha t Iwond e rif my e 1 isenough . A st om ycolle...
I.阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)A Man yWesterner shav eth eide atha teveryon ei nChin aknow sho wt o d okun gfu .Thi sis ,o fcourse ,a sill ybelie f .Bu ti ti stru etha tkun g f ui s abi gpar to fChines ecultur e.Lik emos tpeopl efrom th eWest ,I wa...
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地区:美国 职业:编剧 别名:Scott Marshall Smith 斯科特·马歇尔·史密斯,编剧,代表作《决胜巅峰》。 分享: 全部作品 电影 2016 相机店 电影 相关明星 约翰·瑞斯-戴维斯 电影相机店 电影双料欺骗 电影海王(普通话版) 相关视频查看全部 热门频道 电视剧纪录片新闻 综艺电影体育 娱乐动漫千帆 ...