印度OTA集团Yatra收购Globe All India Globe All India是一家商务旅行服务提供商,主要为客户提供国内和国际旅行套餐,同时提供卫生设施、防护装备、货物转运服务。近日,印度OTA集团Yatra以超过1500万美元的价格收购了Globe All India Services。 发表于:2024-09-05 原文链接:https://page.om.qq.com/page/Okgjg4VbSRQ...
印度OTA集团Yatra以超过1500万美元的价格收购了差旅服务商Globe All India Services (Globe Travels),旨在提升其在印度商旅市场的地位。此次交易不仅将为Yatra带来约360家新增企业客户,还将增强其在会议、展览及激励旅游(MICE)领域的专业能力。
Yatra India means Yatra Online Limited, a public limited Company existing under the Companies Act, 2013 under the laws of the Republic of India. Sample 1Sample 2Sample 3 Based on 3 documents SaveCopy Yatra India means Yatra Online Private Limited, a company incorporated under the Indian Companies...
Join us for an unforgettable evening as we present "Yatra" (meaning "to travel" in Hindi), a themed dining experience that promises to take your taste buds on an enchanting culinary journey across the diverse landscape of India. The menu is carefully cu
Yatra Online, the first online and centralized travel services company in India provides valuable travel related information on important tourism spots.
【品橙旅游】近日外媒报道称,印度商旅服务企业Yatra Online以约1525万美元的价格收购了印度商务旅行社Globe All India Services(以下简称“Globe Travels”),Yatra表示,预计该交易将在三个月内完成,但需符合相关的收购条件。 此次收购提升了Yatra在印度商务旅行领域的地位。据Yatra称,Globe Travels拥有约360家企业客户,年...
All India Padayatri faced an accident December 30, 2024 Caitanaya Bhagavata das One Day Padayatra Celebrating seventy-five Vaishnavi padayatras: A journey of devotion and unity December 17, 2024 Caitanaya Bhagavata das One Day Padayatra Vaishnavi padayatra held at school for the blind in...
India’s coherence as a civilization depends in part on its commitment to Yatra – pilgrimage to sacred sites spread throughout the far reaches of the subcontinent. From Śaktī pīthas that sprung up when Satī’s body fragments fell to earth as the..
"Yatra", which means "Journey" in Hindi, is one of India's most well-recognized and awarded brands. Among others, we have won multiple awards from the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, including the National Tourism Award for "Outstanding Performance as a Domestic Tour Operator" in ...
Launched in August 2006, Yatra was ranked the Most Trusted E-Commerce Travel Brand in India in the Economic Times Brand Equity Survey 2016 for the second successive year, and has won the National Tourism Award for 'Best Domestic Tour Operator (Rest of India)' conferred by the Government of ...