Goodbar, Martin Scorsese, Mary Ellen Bute, Moon Manor, Penelope Spheeris, Richard Brooks, Tammy Rae Carland, Tarantella, Ted Nemeth, The Last Angel of History, Yasujiro Ozu December 2020 in Films Jan 8 Posted by Marya E. Gates Apologies for the delay on this post. My computer died at ...
YASUJIRO OZU MUSIC ANTHOLOGY 来自:斎藤高順 《小津安二郎作品选》的CD收录了他晚期作品的原声音乐,作曲全为斋藤高顺包办。小津在各方面不允许对其电影主题有喧宾夺主的渲染,影像如此,演员的表演如此,音乐也如此。他对斋藤高顺说:“我绝对不希望得到一些助长登场人物的感情,或演员的表演的音乐”,又说:“在我的电...
Yasujiro Ozu was a Japanese film director and screenwriter. He began his career during the era of silent films. Ozu first made a number of short comedies, before turning to more serious themes in the 1930s. Marriage and family, especially the relationships between the generations, are prominent...
专辑名:YASUJIRO OZU MUSIC ANTHOLOGY 歌手:斎藤高順 发行时间:2003-09-25 简介:《小津安二郎作品选》的CD收录了他晚期作品的原声音乐,作曲全为斋藤高顺包办。小津在各方面不允许对其电影主题有喧宾夺主的渲染,影像如此,演员的表演如此,音乐也如此。他对斋藤高顺说:“我绝对不希望得到一些助长登场人物的感情,或...
南方网讯 2003年是日本电影大师小津安二郎的百年冥诞。半个世纪以来,在世界各地的影迷心中,小津及其同时代的沟口健二、黑泽明三位导演的作品,几乎代表着日本电影的最高艺术成就。如果说,黑泽明主要以武士及历史题材的电影著称,沟口健二侧重于表现含辛茹苦的小人物,尤其社会下层妇女的不幸遭遇,那么,小津安二郎的电影...
"Of the great Japanese directors, Yasujiro Ozu is often cited as the most authentically Japanese, his work a byword for cool austerity. Scorning such vulgar devices as fades, dissolves, tracking shots, or pans, he shoots with a largely unmoving camera, almost always from about three feet ...
小津安二郎 Yasujiro Ozu 性别: 男 星座: 射手座 生卒日期: 1903-12-12 至 1963-12-12 出生地: 11区,东京 职业: 导演 / 编剧 更多外文名: James Maki / Yasujiro 官方网站:http://www.ozu100.jp/ imdb编号:nm0654868 影人简介 豆瓣影人介绍:http://movie.douban.com/celebrity/1036727/ ...
Ozu'sTokyo Story(1953) is considered both his masterpiece and one of the finest works ever produced by the Japanese cinema. Among his other works areLate Spring(1949),The Flavor of Green Tea over Rice(1952),Floating Weeds(1959), andAn Autumn Afternoon(1962). Ozu, AkiraKurosawa, and ...