Yasufumi Nakamori 出版时间 2021/9/1 页数 400 副书名 Eikoh Hosoe ENGLISH EDITION,细江英公 正文语种 英语 版本 精装 开本 25 x 32.5 cm开 出版社名称 MACK 装帧类型 精装 进口书分类 艺术类 语言 英文 图文详情 本店推荐 【现货】钢之鍊金术师完全版 盒装套书夜空黑款(10~18册)中文繁体漫画尖端出版进...
Yasufumi Nakamori is a New York City-based independent curator and practicing lawyer. Until January 2003, he was a curatorial assistant at the Whitney Museum of American Art, where he assisted in the production of the Contemporary Series and The Quilts of Gee’s Bend exhibitions as well ...
Utopia/Dystopia - Nakamori, Yasufumi; Bader, Graham - Yale University PressYasufumi Nakamoriwith Graham Bader