node_modules\node-sass: Command failed.错误解决 npm npm install --global --production windows-build-tools yarn yarn global add windows-build-tools
npm install --global --production windows-build-tools此命令的作用就是全局安装所需要的默认编译环境,python和VS。 此命令完成后,也必须配置环境变量,将 C:\Users\**\.windows-build-tools\python27 C:\Users\**\.windows-build-tools\Microsoft VS Code\bin 地址添加到path环境变量中。 如果经过上述操作还没...
yarnglobaladdnode-gyp windows-build-tools 安装完windows-build-tools以后重新yarn就可以了,亲测有效
esbuild-windows-64 evanw4.1mMIT0.15.18 The Windows 64-bit binary for esbuild, a JavaScript bundler. readme esbuildThis is the Windows 64-bit binary for esbuild, a JavaScript bundler and minifier. See for details....
安装node-sass npm i node-sass--sass_binary_site= 清除缓存 npm cache clean --force gyp 和 vs npm install-g node-gyp npm install--global--production windows-build-tools cnpm npm install-g cnpm--registry= ...
error C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Yarn\Data\global\node_modules\windows-build-tools: Command failed. Exit code: 1 Command: node ./dist/index.js Arguments: Directory: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Yarn\Data\global\node_modules\windows-build-tools Output: Downloading vs_BuildTools.exe [===>]...
为了解决这个问题,Yarn v2自带一个简单shell解析器(interpreter),这个解析器是用来兼容Windows和OSX shell环境的区别的,它覆盖了90%常用的shell脚本写法,所以正常来说你定义的shell脚本在Windows环境和OSX环境在这个解析器的兼容下都可以正常运行: 代码语言:javascript...
Yarn uses a bash-likeportable shellto make package scripts portable across Windows, Linux, and macOS Yarn is first and foremost aNode APIthat can be used programmatically (via@yarnpkg/core) Yarn is written inTypeScriptand is fully type-checked ...
For more information, refer to Configuring remote Node.js interpreters, Configuring a local Node.js interpreter, and Using Node.js on Windows Subsystem for Linux. Optionally specify the Node.js-specific option parameters and the environment variables to be passed to Node.js. Specify the package ...
npm install --global --production windows-build-tools@4.0.0 1. webpack等等之间的依赖关系 cnpm i webpack@3.8.1 -D npm i webpack-dev-server@2.9.3 -D cnpm i html-webpack-plugin@2.30.1 -D 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ** 以管理员身份运行并打开命令行工具。