Upgrades packages to their latest version based on the specified range. yarn upgrade [package | package@tag | package@version | --scope @scope]... [--ignore-engines] [--pattern] This command updates dependencies to their latest version based on the version range specified in thepackage.json...
NPM可以使用npm-check-updates库更新版本 1、安装: cnpm install -g npm-check-updates 2、使用: ...
yarn upgrade [package | package@tag | package@version | --scope @scope]... [--ignore-engines] [--pattern] This command updates dependencies to their latest version based on the version range specified in thepackage.jsonfile. Theyarn.lockfile will be recreated as well. ...
$ yarn outdated # 检测哪些包可以升级 $ yarn upgrade <package-name> --latest # 升级指定包 # 或者使用 yarn-upgrade-all 升级全部的包 $ npm install -g yarn-upgrade-all # 全局安装 $ yarn yarn-upgrade-all 需注意的是依赖的依赖没办法指定升级的,需要第一级的依赖升级了它才行 来源: https://...
yarnupgrade[package-name]--latest 1. 例如,如果你想更新lodash这个库,可以运行: yarnupgrade lodash--latest 1. 此命令会将lodash更新到最新的稳定版本,并自动更新yarn.lock文件以确保其他开发者在安装时也使用相同的版本。 检查依赖版本 在更新之前,可能你想先检查当前项目中已安装依赖的版本。可以使用以下命令查看...
yarn upgrade-interactive--latest// 需要手动选择升级的依赖包,按空格键选择,a键切换所有,i键反选选择 第三种 yarn upgradepackage@version // yarn.lock和package.json都会更新,但是会进行版本锁定"echarts":"4.2.0-rc.2" 参考文章 https://github.com/yarnpkg/ya... ...
yarn-upgrade-all This is a command line utility program to upgrade all the packages in yourpackage.jsonto the latest version (potentially upgrading packages across major versions). Installation yarn add --dev yarn-upgrade-all Usage yarn yarn-upgrade-all...
yarn upgradeInteractive --latest doesn't seem to show the latest package versions, or I'm missing out something? For example, "react": "^16.6.3", in package.json, while react@16.7.0 is already available? I was able to successfully use the command some hours before to update some really...
yarn upgrade 更新时提示找不到版本号 环境搭建 一、 安装依赖 必须安装的依赖有:Node、Python2 以及 JDK 、React Native 命令行工具和 Android Studio。 1. 官网下载安装Node(Node 的版本必须高于 8.3) 2. 官网下载安装Python2(版本必须为 2.x) 3. 官网下载安装JDK(版本必须是 1.8)...
yarn upgrade [package] This command will update the package to the latest version that matches the version set in package.json and rebuild yarn.lock. This is similar to npm update. In actual projects, the use of npm and yarn should be avoided, which will cause inconsistent versions and caus...