<name>yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.hive.maximum-capacity</name> <value>80</value> </property> <!-- 启动hive队列 --> <property> <name>yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.hive.state</name> <value>RUNNING</value> </property> <!-- 哪些用户有权向队列提交作业 --> <property> <name>yarn.scheduler...
YARN commands are invoked by the bin/yarn script. Running the yarn script without any arguments prints the description for all commands. Usage:yarn [--config confdir] COMMAND [--loglevel loglevel] [GENERIC_OPTIONS] [COMMAND_OPTIONS] YARN has an option parsing framework that employs parsing gen...
}//通知 node 记录该分配出来的 Containernode.allocateContainer(allocatedContainer);//If not running unmanaged, the first container we allocate is always//the AM. Set the amResource for this app and update the leaf queue's AM//usageif(!isAmRunning() && !getUnmanagedAM()) { setAMResource(cap...
<description>Number of vcores that can be allocated for containers. This is used by the RM scheduler when allocating resources for containers. This is not used to limit the number of CPUs used by YARN containers. If it is set to -1 and yarn.nodemanager.resource.detect-hardware-capabilities i...
yarn.nodemanager.resource.detect-hardware-capabilities istrue.</description><name>yarn.nodemanager.resource.count-logical-processors-as-cores</name><value>false</value></property><!--是否让yarn自动检测硬件进行配置,默认是false,如果该节点有很多其他应用程序,建议手动配置。如果该节点没有其他应用程序,可以采...
从管理资源角度来看,树的根节点root队列(FSParentQueue),非根节点(FSParentQueue),叶子节点(FSLeaf),app任务(FSAppAttempt,公平调度器角度的App)都是抽象的资源,它们都实现了Schedulable接口,都是一个可调度资源对象。它们都有自己的fair share(队列的资源量)方法(这里又用到了fair share概念),weight属性(权重)、...
If you have native addons of your own that are part of the application (not as a dependency), set nodeGypRebuild to true. Please note that everything is packaged into an asar archive by default. For an app that will be shipped to production, you should sign your application. See Where...
mapreduce.map.memory.mb 控制分配给MapTask内存上限,如果超过会kill掉进程(报:Container is running beyond physical memory limits. Current usage:565MB of512MB physical memory used;Killing Container)。默认内存大小为1G,如果数据量是128m,正常不需要调整内存;如果数据量大于128m,可以增加MapTask内存,最大可以增...
YARNtop - 18:00:07, up 19d, 0:14, 0 active users, queue(s): rootNodeManager(s): 4 total, 4 active, 0 unhealthy, 0 decommissioned, 0 lost, 0 rebootedQueue(s) Applications: 2 running, 10 submitted, 0 pending, 8 completed, 0 killed, 0 failedQueue(s) Mem(GB): 97 available, 3...
(and changed shape more than once, as highlighted by this "experimental" annotation), but have allowed us to draft a first implementation of a ESM-compatible PnP loader, which we shipped in 3.1. Strong of those learnings, we started to contribute to the Node Loaders working group, not ...