1、cnpm install -g create-react-app --->安装react脚手架 2、create-react-app my-app --->创建react脚手架 3、cd my-app/ --->在my-app文件夹下打开终端 4、npm start --->直接使用react 5、若是缺少依赖的包,则可以使用 npm run build 如果需要在其他地方在创建react,请从开始react的第二步开始...
1.安装 //my-app为项目名称 因为本文是教程所以就以默认的my-app为例进行安装 npm init react-app my-app 1. 2. 当出现下方图片的这个样子时,就代表我们安装成功了。 我们可以按照其的建议 先进入到自己的项目,然后再运行一下,看看项目是否能正常启动,如果不能,我们就需要按需解决其出现的问题。 cd my-app...
error Failed to install the app. Make sure you have the Android development environment set up:https://reactnative.dev/docs/environment-setup. Run CLI with --verbose flag for more details. Error: Command failed: gradlew.bat app:installDebug -PreactNativeDevServerPort=8081 ...
Learn to LoomHow to RecordLoom BlogPricing LoginGet Loom Free Retno Ayu Adiati・ over 3 years ago 0.8× 1× 1.2× 1.5× 1.7× 2× 2.5× 1 min 38 sec⚡️2 min 2 sec1 min 38 sec1 min 21 sec1 min 5 sec57 sec49 sec39 sec ...
$ yarn react-native run-android yarn run v1.22.5 $ D:\caih\project\reactNative\AwesomeProject\node_modules.bin\react-native run-android info Running jetifier to migrate libraries to AndroidX. You can disable it using "--no-jetifier" flag...
项目的整体技术架构为 webpack+react+es6+eslint 使用脚手架开发项目的特点是:模块化、组件化、工程化 创建项目并启动 1、全局安装 npm install -g create-react-app 2、切换到想创建项目的目录,使用命令:create-react-app hello-react-liuli cd liuli_react_hello ...
解决create-react-app 后 npm start or yarn start 中出现 的webpack版本问题 错误提示信息 There might be a problem with the project dependency tree.It is likely not a buginCreate React App, but something you need to fix locally.The react-scriptspackage provided by Create React App requires a ...
create-react-app按需配置antd按需加载 yarn run eject ->~ yarn create react-app my-app ->~ cd my-app ->~ yarn run eject | npm run eject image.png 运行成功后eject后会暴露webpack的配置,package.json中也会列出所有相关依赖包,如: config目录...
yarn add --dev react-devtools With NPM you can just use NPX: npx react-devtools Usage with React Native Run react-devtools from the terminal to launch the standalone DevTools app: react-devtools If you're not using a local simulator, you'll also need to forward ports used by React DevTo...
I created a ReactApp, the project appears to be created. When I run npm start or yarn start see below for the errors. When I run the steps below, nothing changes. What is happening? If I create the project manually, and then import it into WebStorm, it will run. ...