Paste the link to your JSFiddle ( or CodeSandbox ( example below: The bug is related to yarn build. If we run yarn build with watch mode enabled, then it's throwing out of memory exception. What is the expected behavior?
yarn run dev:weapp yarn run v1.22.10 $ npm run build:weapp -- --watch npm WARN lifecycle The node binary used for scripts is /var/folders/7p/clgtpff94fg48d3r1rsh265w0000gn/T/yarn--1622121360617-0.5964084967926753/node but npm is using /Users/guangli/.nvm/versions/node/v10.13.0/bin...
当我在命令行中runyarnbuild:sass时,它触发了sass手表,如果我对sass做了任何更改,它会更新css文件,但是它不会启动项目"yarnstart不工作“,有没有什么办法让我在一个控制台上运行所有这些东西"build:sass": "node-sass src dist", "watch:css": "yarnbuild:sass &&yarnbuild:sass ...
yarn run test-o--watch 运行此命令将执行jest -o --watch。 [script]也可以是任何在本地安装的可执行文件node_modules/.bin/。 run在这个命令中也可以省略,每个脚本都可以用它的名字执行: 代码语言:javascript 复制 yarn test-o--watch 运行这个命令将和yarn run test -o --watch一样。请注意,内置的cli...
yarn run test -o --watch 运行此命令将执行jest -o --watch。 [script]也可以是里面的任何本地安装的可执行文件node_modules/.bin/。 也可以省略run这个命令,每个脚本都可以用它的名字执行: yarn test -o --watch 运行此命令将执行相同的操作yarn run test -o --watch。请注意,内置cli命令将优先于您的...
27"build:jsdoc":"jsdoc -c jsdoc.json", 28"test":"npm run lint && nyc --require babel-register mocha \"test/*.js\" --reporter progress --timeout 60000", 29"watch":"mocha \"test/*.js\" --compilers js:babel-register --timeout 60000 --watch --growl", ...
$ npm-run-all clean lint build:* $ npm-run-all --parallel watch:* Installation $ npm install npm-run-all RequiresNode@>=0.10andnpm@>=2 Thenpm-run-allpackage introduces 3 CLI commands:npm-run-all,run-s, andrun-p. CLI Commands ...
yarn run test --core --watch - will run core tests in watch-mode SponsorsBecome a sponsor to have your logo and website URL on our README on Github. [Become a sponsor]BackersBy making a recurring donation, you can support us and our work. [Become a backer]License...
"build": "webpack --config webpack.config.js", "watch": "webpack --watch --config config/prod.env.js", "dev": "webpack-dev-server --config config/dev.env.js" }, "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "git+" ...
watch('lib/**/*.js')((changedFiles) =>start( inputConnector(changedFiles), read(), babel(), write('build/') )) ); Seedocumentationfor details. :point_right: Note that this task may not work properly with tasks likestart-webpackandstart-karmawhich have their own file watching functiona...