Create a new error object with the given messagemsg. The error object inherits fromcreateError.HttpError. varerr =newcreateError.NotFound() code- the status code as a number name- the name of the error as a "bumpy case", i.e.NotFoundorInternalServerError. List of all constructors Licen...
'yyyy-MM-dd')day, | UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_FORMAT(TIMESTAMPADD(HOUR, 8, TUMBLE_START(proctime, INTERVAL '10' SECOND)), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) * 1000 AStime, | CAST(COUNT(res_code) AS INT) AS request_cnt, | CAST(COUNT(res_code) FILTER(WHERE res_code = '500') AS ...
在conf/flink-conf.yaml配置里可以通过修改来更改jdk。 此页面列出了设置性能良好(分布式)安装通常需要的最常见选项。 所有配置项都在conf/flink-conf.yaml这个配置温江当中。 系统和运行脚本在启动时解析配置。对配置文件的更改需要重新启动Flink JobManager和Taskmanager。 任务管理器的配置文件可以不同,F...
HDInsight Hadoop 群集中的日志,以及所有使用 YARN 的群集类型中的 YARN 相关日志(例如 ResourceManager、NodeManager 和 TimelineServer 日志)。
public YarnClusterDescriptor createClusterDescriptor(Configuration configuration) { checkNotNull(configuration); final String configurationDirectory = configuration.get(DeploymentOptionsInternal.CONF_DIR); YarnLogConfigUtil.setLogConfigFileInConfig(configuration, configurationDirectory); return getClusterDescriptor(conf...
// set Flink on YARN internal configuration values appMasterEnv.put(YarnConfigKeys.ENV_TM_COUNT, String.valueOf(taskManagerCount)); appMasterEnv.put(YarnConfigKeys.ENV_TM_MEMORY, String.valueOf(taskManagerMemoryMb)); appMasterEnv.put(YarnConfigKeys.FLINK_JAR_PATH, remote...
I able to fix the authentication error, It was because user was not present on all nodes of cluster. Ran the job again and its got failed. Below provided job application log. I able to figure out few warnings and GC allocation errors. Can someone also review and confirm what the proble...
Switching based on error codes switch(err.code) {caseHttpError.UNAUTHORIZED:returnvoidres.redirect("/signin")caseHttpError.NOT_FOUND:returnvoidres.render("404")case451:returnvoidres.redirect("/legal")default:returnvoidres.render("500")
431 INFO Auth successful for appattempt_1499666177243_0002_000002 (auth:SIMPLE) 2017-07-10 11:43:26,438 INFO org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.ContainerManagerImpl: Start request for container_1499666177243_0002_02_000001 by...
However, when a user log in, it comes to "internal server error" and : [E 2019-03-06 13:32:19.652 JupyterHub base:1001] Preventing implicit spawn for jrc because last spawn failed: 'source' must be a string [E 2019-03-06 13:32:19.652 JupyterHub web:1788] Uncaught exception GET /...