在用yarn安装bable-core bable-preset-env bable-loader@7.1.2时候会报error Couldn't find package "bable-core" on the "npm" registry.这个错误,这三个插件单独装也都一样。用npm装也会出这个错误。 package.json文件: { "name": "admin-V1-fe", "version": "1.0.0", "main": "index.js", "r...
在用yarn安装bable-core bable-preset-env bable-loader@7.1.2时候会报error Couldn't find package "bable-core" on the "npm" registry.这个错误,这三个插件单独装也都一样。用npm装也会出这个错误。 package.json文件: { "name": "admin-V1-fe", "version": "1.0.0", "main": "index.js", "r...
在c盘的user目录下,打开 .yarnrc 文件,并修改如下: # THIS IS AN AUTOGENERATED FILE. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY. # yarn lockfile v1"@spark:registry" ""lastUpdateCheck1584350985891 其中 "@spark:registry" " (用npm就在 .npmrc文件里添加...
//registry.yarnpkg.com/@types%2fjest" finished with status code 401. verbose 0.695 Error: Couldn't find package "@types/jest" on the "npm" registry. at MessageError.ExtendableBuiltin (~/.nvm/versions/node/v11.1.0/pnpm-global/1/node_modules/.registry.npmjs.org/yarn/1.12.3/node_modules...
npm config get registry 修改npm源 方法一: npm configsetregistry https://registry.npm.taobao.org npm configsetdisturl https://npm.taobao.org/dist 方法二: yarn configsetregistry https://registry.npm.taobao.org/ yarn configsetdisturl https://npm.taobao.org/dist ...
模块发布:可将自己的代码发布到 npm 仓库(registry),供他人使用 脚本系统:支持npm run执行构建、测试等命令,成为项目自动化的入口 只不过,最为最初的包管理工具,npm 一开始(当然也包括现在)也存在非常多的问题,比如说:安装慢、node_modules 过大、依赖库版本锁定不一致等等的问题。
在用yarn安装bable-core bable-preset-env bable-loader@7.1.2时候会报error Couldn't find package "bable-core" on the "npm" registry.这个错误,这三个插件单独装也都一样。 用npm装也会出这个错误。 package.json文件: { "name": "admin-V1-fe", ...
Your package will go to thenpm registryonce you publish it using Yarn. The npm registry is used to distribute packages globally. Logging into npm You will need to create an npm account if you don't have one. Once you have done that you can then setup your username and email in Yarn....
Deduplication tool for yarn.lock files. Latest version: 6.0.2, last published: 2 years ago. Start using yarn-deduplicate in your project by running `npm i yarn-deduplicate`. There are 43 other projects in the npm registry using yarn-deduplicate.
npm config delete https-proxy YARN设置代理: yarn configsetproxy <http_proxy> yarn configsethttps-proxy <https_proxy> YARN删除代理: yarn config delete proxy yarn config delete https-proxy 另外,设置registry如下 npm configsetregistry https://registry.npm.taobao.org/ ...