yarn list是一个用于查看当前项目中所有已安装依赖的命令。 --depth=0参数用于仅显示顶层的依赖包,即直接在package.json中列出的依赖,而不显示它们的子依赖。 如果你想查看特定的依赖包,可以在命令后面加上包名: yarninfo<package-name>versions--json# 替换 <package-name> 为你要查询的依赖包名称 1. 例如,如...
npm list | grep packageName 查看指定安装包的版本和依赖的安装包版本 npm install --production 只安装package.json中的生产环境包。 npm view packagename versions 查看指定包的所有版本 npm cache clean --force 清除npm缓存(下载出错后一直下载不了时使用) npm config get registry 获取远程仓库路径。 npm con...
yarn import 迁移当前依赖的项目package-lock.json yarn info 显示有关依赖的信息 yarn init 初始化工程并创建package.json文件 yarn install 用于安装项目的所有依赖项 yarn licenses 列出已安装依赖的许可证及源码url yarn link 链接依赖文件夹 yarn list 列出已安装的依赖 yarn login 存储您在 registry 上的用户名...
Only thepackage.jsonfile in the very root of the project is ever inspected for afileslist. Below the top level of the root package,package.jsonis treated as just another file, and no package-specific semantics are applied. Interaction betweenpackage.jsonand.npmignorerules In previous versions o...
On Debian or Ubuntu Linux, you can install Yarn via our Debian package repository. You will first need to configure the repository: curl-sShttps://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/pubkey.gpg |sudoapt-key add -echo"deb https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/ stable main"|sudotee /etc/apt/sources.list.d...
yarnlist 运行脚本 在 package.json 文件中,你可以定义一些脚本命令,然后使用 yarn run 命令来运行它们。例如,以下是一个 package.json 文件中定义的脚本命令示例: {"scripts":{"start":"node server.js","test":"mocha tests/*.test.js"}} 要运行名为 start 的脚本,可以运行以下命令: ...
JavaScript package managers compared: npm, Yarn, or pnpm? npm 是最早的, 很多问题, 后来 yarn 出现了, 解决了很多问题, 后来 pnpm 出现了, 比 npm 和 yarn 都好 yarn 出现后, npm 也一直在进步. pnpm 出现后, yarn 也一直在进步 cnpm 是 for china 的 npm, 只是这样而已 ...
Each yarn installation will generate a yarn.lock file similar to package-lock.json, which is created by default. In addition to general information, the yarn.lock file also contains a checksum of the content to be installed to ensure that the versions of the libraries used are the same. ...
Build a list of pinned dependencies from a yarn managed project. Install yarn-versions: Withnpm: npm i --save yarn-versions Oryarn: yarn add yarn-versions Example ./node_modules/.bin/yarn-versions https://raw.githubusercontent.com/christophersmith262/yarn-versions/master/yarn.lock ...
yarn list: list installed packages. yarn remove: remove a package that will no longer be used in your current package. yarn upgrade: upgrade packages to their latest version based on the specified range. yarn upgrade-interactive: similar toupgradecommand, but display the outdated packages before ...