把项目下面的node_modules文件夹删除掉 然后运行npm install @vue/cli-plugin-unit-jest @vue/test-utils 然后在运行yarn global add @vue/cli 然后再运行yarn add --dev jest 最后运行yarn run test即可正常进行测试
Yarn will allow Jest to access it even if it isn’t declared in its dependencies (we do this because this is the only case where this is safe: it isn’t possible for the top-level dependencies to be ambiguous).
🐛 bug report Error "Cannot find module 'react/jsx-runtime'" happens when consuming Parcel's multi-module React component library in a Next.js project. I already spent a week just to fix this build, I really like developing Parcel API, so...
Or, finally, thejest-environment-jsdompackage can be specified as dependency of the top-level package - usually your own. In those circumstances, Yarn will allow Jest to access it even if it isn’t declared in its dependencies (we do this because this is the only case where this is safe...
Jest test runner cannot find fullcalendar modules (#5467) Incorrect version of tslib required (#5479) License key option unknown, error in console (#5462) @fullcalendar/common has no exported member ScrollGridChunkConfig (#5459) event title should display on same line as time for 30 minute eve...
名词解释: Orange CI:腾讯内部开源的持续集成服务,类似于 Travis CI,一旦代码有变更,就自动运行构建...
纠结了很长时间,后来才被我找到解决方法。 SDK location not found. Define location with sdk.dir in the local.properties file or with an ANDROID_HOME environment variable. react的android相关配置方法 当报上面的错误时,到android studio的工程中copy一份local.properties放到react-native建的工 ...
//OUR_REPO/jest". verbose 0.351 Performing "GET" request to "https://OUR_REPO/jshint". verbose 0.352 Performing "GET" request to "https://OUR_REPO/jshint-stylish". verbose 0.353 Performing "GET" request to "https://OUR_REPO/rimraf". verbose 0.622 Request "https://OUR_REPO/jshint" ...
"@testing-library/jest-dom":5.1.1 "@testing-library/react":9.5.0 "@testing-library/react-hooks":3.2.1 "@types/jest":24.0.12 "@types/react":16.8.17 "@types/react-addons-shallow-compare":0.14.22 "@types/react-addons-test-utils":0.14...
jest: Fix jest setup for Image methods (resolveAssetSource, getSize, prefetch, queryCache) (d53cc2b46d) layout: Fix duplicate rotation operations (54f582f651 by @NickGerleman) layout: Fixed padding not being applied to inline views in text (12aef32b82 by @j-piasecki) layout: Fixup mar...