本文提到的几个类(比如Yarn,DependencyManager,Package)的关系可以通过UML类图表示如下: managesresolvesYarn+install()+addPackage()+ignoreErrors()DependencyManager+resolveDependencies()+checkPackageAvailability()Package+name+version+isAvailable() 序列图示例 以下是一个表示安装依赖的序列图,展示了在yarn install过程...
}from'ignore-errors'leterr// ignore errors with specific messageserr =newError('boom')awaitPromise.reject(err).catch(ignoreMessage('boom'))awaitPromise.reject(err).catch(ignoreMessage(/boom/))// gets here, no error thrown// ignore errors with specific namesclassSpecialErrorextendsError{constructo...
errors about engine yarn install --ignore-engines Perhaps this error can be ignored? If so this issue can be closed. Validations Read the docs. Check that there isn't already an issue that reports the same bug to avoid creating a duplicate. 👍 5 StijnMaenhautCZ commented Mar 5, 2024...
Because both records are ignored at the time, the ignore function isn't adjusted as it was supposed to - becausenoptwill become non-ignored in a later dedup because of the dependency bynode-pre-gyp. The ignore status of both records can change at any time, so the new ignore function sho...
version: 5.3.1 resolution: "ignore@npm:5.3.1" checksum: 71d7bb4c1dbe020f915fd881108cbe85a0db3d636a0ea3ba911393c53946711d13a9b1143c7e70db06d571a5822c0a324a6bcde5c9904e7ca5047f01f1bf8cd3 languageName: node linkType: hard "import-fresh@npm:^3.2.1": ...
ignore-walk@^3.0.1: version "3.0.1" resolved "https://registry.npm.taobao.org/ignore-walk/download/ignore-walk-3.0.1.tgz#a83e62e7d272ac0e3b551aaa82831a19b69f82f8" dependencies: minimatch "^3.0.4" import-local@^2.0.0: version "2.0.0" ...
npm install @mui/x-data-grid This component has the following peer dependencies that you will need to install as well. "peerDependencies": {"@mui/material":"^5.15.14 || ^6.0.0","react":"^17.0.0 || ^18.0.0 || ^19.0.0","react-dom":"^17.0.0 || ^18.0.0 || ^19.0.0"}, ...
curl -o- -L https://yarnpkg.com/install.sh | bash -s -- --nightly The installation process includes verifying a GPG signature. View the source on GitHub You can also specify a version by running the following code in your terminal: ...
brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies node brew install node@14 <- to give me the LTS version which my project was setup with honestly don't think that this is the perfect solution because it undermines nvm. But for anyone else facing the problem, until its fixed. This worked. ...
Running with NodeJs version 10./bin/yarn-1.7.0.js install --offline --ignore-platformon windows 10/Server 2016 everything works fine. Running the same command on Centos 7 results in errors: error Can't make a request in offline mode ("https://registry.yarnpkg.com/semver/-/semver-5.3....