在命令行中输入以下命令来安装windows-build-tools: bash yarn global add windows-build-tools 这条命令会使用Yarn从npm仓库下载并安装windows-build-tools,它包含了Visual Studio Build Tools和Python 2.7。 等待安装完成: 由于windows-build-tools需要从国外服务器下载文件,因此安装过程可能会比较慢。请耐心等待,直...
node_modules\node-sass: Command failed.错误解决 npm npm install --global --production windows-build-tools yarn yarn global add windows-build-tools
yarnglobaladdnode-gyp windows-build-tools 安装完windows-build-tools以后重新yarn就可以了,亲测有效
Please run yarn global add windows-build-tools. https://www.npmjs.com/package/windows-build-tools Because node-sass is a binary dependency which has to be built by using node-gyp which needs python2. Author abrhambas01 commented Jun 6, 2019 Wow, awesome bro. So after this command ?
一般来说,配置交叉编译工具链的时候需要指定编译工具的路径,此时就需要设置环境变量。例如我的mips-linux-gcc编译器在“/opt/au1200_rm/build_tools/bin”目录下,build_tools就是我的编译工具,则有如下三种方法来设置环境变量:1、直接用export命令:#export PATH=$PATH:/opt/au1200_rm/build_tools ...
Build a tree of scripts in an already opened npm tool window In the npm tool window, click on the toolbar and choose the required package.json file from the list. By default, WebStorm shows the package.json file in the root of your project. If you have another package.json file,...
yarn add --dev @embroider/core @embroider/compat @embroider/webpack webpack Edit ember-cli-build.js: -return app.toTree(); +const { Webpack } = require('@embroider/webpack'); +return require('@embroider/compat').compatBuild(app, Webpack); Alternatively, if you are passing optional ext...
The build state (.yarn/build-state.yml) has been moved into the install state (.yarn/install-state.gz) The cache files need to be regenerated. We had to change their timestamps in order to account for a flaw in the zip spec that was causing problems with some third-party tools. @...
yarn add --dev @embroider/core @embroider/compat @embroider/webpack webpack Edit ember-cli-build.js: -return app.toTree(); +const { Webpack } = require('@embroider/webpack'); +return require('@embroider/compat').compatBuild(app, Webpack); Alternatively, if you are passing optional ext...
if both not found in cache or github, build by myself ps: I ty to build in windows system, it need: install python2.7 npm install --global --production windows-build-tools, remember to open power shell with Administrator yarn add serialport CaiBaoHong closed this as completed Oct 25, 20...