{"installConfig":{"pnp":true}} From now on each time you’ll runyarn installYarn will create a single file named.pnp.jsinstead of thenode_modulesmegafolder. You can try it right now by runningyarn --pnpin your project, which will enable the settings and run the install in the same ...
yarncreatevite 然后需要你回答三个问题:项目名称、选择类型、选择配置方案。 √Projectname:...vite43.01√Selectaframework:»Vue√Selectavariant:»Customizewithcreate-vue↗ 如果选择第三个(自定义),那么会调用create-vue继续后续步骤,问你一系列问题,我们根据需要选择即可: √AddTypeScript?...No/Yes√AddJSX...
Lerna 已然成为搭建 monorepo 工程的首选,然而官方文档[1]并没有给出构建 monorepo 项目最后一公里的解...
In this example we have a graphql schema defined in typescript that generates type files we can consume in our go binary. name:"@internal/server"version:1.0.0main:cmd/main.go#license, none for the examplelicense:UNLICENSEDprivate:true#scripts commentscripts:build:GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go ...
I could fix it for one of my project like this : On a newly created git branch run : npm run eject This will create many files and update your package json (the start/test/build commands if you haven't changed them). Go toconfig/webpack.config.jsand update the TerserPlugin ...
yarn+vite+vue3+typescript 安装 tailwind 输入项目名称,选择Vue 选择Customize with create-vue 根据需求选一下 根据指令,cd到项目目录里面之后,执行yarn 安装tailwind,yarn add tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer 参考:https://tailwindcss.com/docs/guides/vite#vue生成配置文件yarn tailwindcss init重点来了:由于是...
使用yarn create umi创建ant design pro项目,在选择语言时(Which language do you want to use),选择了TypeScript, 最终创建出来的却为JavaScripe版本的代码。 How To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: yarn create umi Select the boilerplate type?-- Pickant-design-pro ...
# Set-Location $projectDir yarn create egg --type=simple yarn install Get-ChildItem } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
linkType: hard "@babel/types@npm:^7.0.0, @babel/types@npm:^7.20.7, @babel/types@npm:^7.22.5, @babel/types@npm:^7.23.0, @babel/types@npm:^7.24.0, @babel/types@npm:^7.24.5, @babel/types@npm:^7.3.3, @babel/types@npm:^7.8.3": ...
projectName:默认值是 defaultTargetDir ,对应的值是vite-project,当通过终端解析到 argTargetDir 后将跳过此步骤; 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 {type:argTargetDir?null:'text',name:'projectName',message:reset('Project name:'),initial:defaultTargetDir,onState:(state)=>{targetDir=formatTargetDir...