node -v v10.16.0 gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v3.8.0 gyp ERR! not ok Build failed with error code: 1 npm WARN sass-loader@8.0.0 requires a peer of sass@^1.3.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself. npm WARN sass-loader@8.0.0 requires a peer of fibers@>=...
操作步骤: 1.打开项目所在文件夹,右键git bash 2.粘贴或输入命令:npm install sass-loader --save-dev 3.上一个命令执行完毕后,粘贴或输入命令:npm install node-sass --save-dev
yarnaddvue vue-server-renderer -S yarnaddexpress -S yarnaddwebpack webpack-cli friendly-errors-webpack-plugin vue-loader babel-loader @babel/core url-loader file-loader vue-style-loader css-loader sass-loader sass webpack-merge webpack-node-externals -D yarnaddclean-webpack-plugin @babel/pre...
yarn config set sass_binary_site -g 检查源 # tuonioooo yarn config get registry #控制台输出: yarn config get sass_binary_site # 控制台输出: 三、Yarn的优点 yarn是Facebook...
yarn configsetsass_binary_site 二、yarn和npm命令对比 yarn和npm可以通过镜像源工具nrm互相切换 三、npm 中–save和–save-dev区别 npm5版本之前,必须要加上--save,才会将包记录到package.jsonnpm5版本之后开始,--save是默认值了,可以省略不写 ...
yarn add [package]@[version] // 安装指定版本,这里指的是主要版本,如果需要精确到小版本,使用-E参数 yarn add [package]@[tag] // 安装某个tag(比如beta,next或者latest) //不指定依赖类型默认安装到dependencies里,你也可以指定依赖类型: yarn add --dev/-D // 加到 devDependencies ...
Add the following into .circleci/config.yml. Check in code. The first run, the docker container will be built, no cache will exist, yarn will run an install, and then perform a successful compilation of sass using gulp-sass. It willsucceed. ...
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# pnpmpnpm add -D vuepress-plugin-components# npmnpm i -D vuepress-plugin-components# yarnyarn add -D vuepress-plugin-components vuepress-theme-hope 的组件。 安装 # pnpmpnpm add -D vuepress-plugin-components# npmnpm i -D vuepress-plugin-components# yarnyarn add -D vuepress-plugin-components...
一、安装yarn(1)下载node.js,使用npm安装npm install -gyarn(2)查看版本yarn--version(3)yarn淘宝源安装yarnconfig set registry -gyarnconfig set sass_binary_site yarn build java