伊兹米特港,Izmit Korfezi 蒂利斯基里西,Diliskelesi亚勒姆贾港所属国家简介 土耳其概况:土耳其(Turkey)共和国是一个横跨欧亚两洲的国家,北临黑海,南临地中海,东南与叙利亚、伊拉克接壤,西临爱琴海,并与希腊以及保加利亚接壤,东部与格鲁吉亚、亚美尼亚、阿塞拜疆和伊朗接壤。土耳其官方语言: 土耳其语 (土耳其语(Türkçe,...
港口名称:亚勒姆贾 港口英文:yarimca 港口代码:TRYAR 国家中文:土耳其 国家英文:Turkey 所属航线:地东线到亚勒姆贾港整柜运价 到亚勒姆贾港拼箱运价 Mimar Sinan Mahallesi, DP World Yarimca Liman İşletmeleri, Mehmet Akif Ersoy Caddesi, Kocaeli, Türkiye,DP World Yarimca是41最大的集装箱码头与...
The port of Yarimca (Port Code: TRYAR) is a port located in the Sea of Marmara, on the northern coast of the Gulf of Izmit. It is a port consisting of several terminals and subports. It has one of the largest terminals in Turkey. The types of vessels regularly calling at the port...
As one of the biggest in the country, the new terminal can handle up to 1.3 million containers covering 460,000 square metres, enhancing Turkey’s connectivity with Europe and Asia and enabling trade from the heartland of its most industrialised region, Izmit Bay. DP World Yarimca is the fir...