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It' I find this site to be perfectif you're looking for a specific town. Put in a zip code or town and it will let you know if there are any yard sales near you. Keep Reading: 10 Best Things About Living in New Jersey ...
The World’s Largest Yard Sale, Saturday, June 8th, at the Herkimer County Fairgrounds, brought to you by the Potting Shed Antiques, John's Mobile Home Parts and Accessories, and sponsored by James Mitsubishi, and Standard Heating, Cooling and Insulating. Click Here To Buy Your Booth Vendor ...
Various items from the production of The Sopranos (and other HBO shows) went up for sale today at a warehouse in Queens, New York.Fans of the series lined up early this morning in hopes of grabbing some famous pieces from the Soprano home. They were able to take their pick of antiques...
(BTW, if you can direct me to that meme, I’d be grateful. Google couldn’t find it. Go figure.) Author Joseph MoorePosted on September 28, 2023Categories Culture, Humor, Modern Cluelessness9 Comments on Meme Search Karen Two Stories for Today Plus bonus update. Perelandra keeps spri...
“in search of” message. You never know what someone may have sitting in their garage, basement or closet. While I have no interest in going through the trouble of holding an actual yard sale, I have no problem snapping a picture and posting it. In fact, in the last two days I’ve...
Today, I had a sort of Mobius inverse of that: I actually thought of the snappy thing to say – something about one can never be too ready for the next wet t-shirt contest – and actually had the presence of mind NOT to say it. Yeah, me. Although it would have been fun, in a...
ROCKET PLAN A custom plan(s) built to align with your business goals and capture the hearts of sports fans. ROCKET ACTIVATE Work with us to bring the strategy to life, or take it in-house with our expert guidance. WHAT WE DO We don’t just advise; we integrate. Acting as your fracti...
They debuted in the late seventies and are still made today. I recently found a treasure that got my mental gears spinning. It all started when I saw the item pictured below: There he sat, at an estate sale in Pacific Palisades, partially obstructed from my view by a table and a set ...
s the mistake I made with the yard sale that flopped a few years ago, with few attendees and even fewer sales. One of those attendees explained that veteran shoppers check the sites devoted to yard and garage sales. (Search for “yard sales near me” to see which ones pop up and ...