BLADES When you need blades to deliver a clean cut and a healthier-looking lawn, look no further than Yard-Man original equipment blades. Yard-Man blades are designed to provide a precise fit with every blade change. Heat dipped for durability and flexibility, these blades have been tested fo...
So that’s why I’ve been scarce around this here blog. Figure I’ll work another couple years, then ‘retire’ to spend hours on my massive new riding mower (I was told I needed this for proper care of the pastures. It’s hard to imagine anything less my style than a riding mower...
lawn mower (redirected fromYard machine) Thesaurus Encyclopedia lawn mower n 1.(Tools) a hand-operated or power-operated machine with rotary blades for cutting grass on lawns Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 200...
20. Spring-loaded pruning shears that automatically push themselves open so that you don't have to — making for a much less strenuous experience. The precision-sharpened blades and stealthy design make it easy to get between plants for a quick clip 'n' snip that'll keep your garden looking...