usage: [-h] -r RULENAME -f FILETYPE [-a AUTHOR] [-d DESCRIPTION] [-t TAGS] InputDirectory YaraGenerator positional arguments: InputDirectory Path To Files To Create Yara Rule From optional arguments: -h , --help show this help message and exit -r , --RuleName Enter...
usage: [-h] -r RULENAME -f FILETYPE [-a AUTHOR] [-d DESCRIPTION] [-t TAGS] InputDirectory YaraGenerator positional arguments: InputDirectory Path To Files To Create Yara Rule From optional arguments: -h , --help show this help message and exit -r , --RuleName Enter...
安装完成后可以使用“python -h”命令获取更多命令行参数信息。 1usage: [-h] [-m M] [-y min-size] [-z min-score] [-x high-scoring]2[-w superrule-overlap] [-s max-size] [-rc maxstrings]3[--excludegood] [-o output_rule_file] [-e output_dir_strings]4[-a...
___ __ ___ ___/ ___/__ ___ / // / _ `/ __/ (_ / -_) _ \ \_, /\_,_/_/ \___/\__/_//_/ /___/ Yara Rule Generator Florian Roth, July 2020, Version 0.23.2 Note: Rules have to be post-processed See this post for details:
Yara rule generator using VirusTotal code similarity feature code-similar-to: written by @arieljt. Vxsig ✨ Automatically generate AV byte signatures from sets of similar binaries. yabin Creates YARA signatures from executable code within malware. yaml2yara Generate bulk YARA rules from YAML input...
___ __ ___ ___/ ___/__ ___ / // / _ `/ __/ (_ / -_) _ \ \_, /\_,_/_/ \___/\__/_//_/ /___/ Yara Rule Generator Florian Roth, July 2020, Version 0.23.2 Note: Rules have to be post-processed See this post for details: