1) yaoci 爻辞例句>> 2) Guayaoci 卦爻辞 1. After the development of thousands of years,especially the formation of Guayaoci and Shishu,its function altered from angury to ethical education and it experienced a great leap forward when Yizhuan came into being. 《易经》作为中国古代最为经典...
@晋江文学城 Priest @一口獠牙的小甜甜 原著, @猫耳FM ... 过门 第一季 类型: 纯爱 有一蓑烟雨,何不任平生。@猫耳FM 出品 @晋江文学城 #Priest# @一口獠牙的小甜... 频道订阅 (0) 收藏(0)更多 0TA 喜欢的音频爻辞YaoCi 图片(0)TA 还没有图片哟~ 1 关注 0 粉丝 LV1 3193067 14 ...
ciyao cí yào辞要 cì yào次要 cí yáo瓷窑 cí yáo瓷窰 ciyao ciyao有哪些 词语词典在线查询:ciyao 共有4个 在线词语词典 词语大全
yaoci shenmostcute Follow 7followers·17following Achievements x2 mostcute/README.md Hi there 👋 34 contributions in the last year No contributions on January 7th.No contributions on January 14th.No contributions on January 21st.No contributions on January 28th.No contributions on February 4th.No...
卦象、卦名、卦辞、爻辞的解释(Theimages,guaming,divination, yaociexplanation) manifestationofadivination "Copulative":"easy,alsolike"."Tuan,peaceislike"."Erect animage,doallthatonedesires,andsetahexagramtomake afalseimpression.""."Eightdiagramsmakeacolumn,andan elephantisinit."!"Theancienteighttrigrams...
This article discusses the complexity of vowel length in Ciyao, a Bantu language spoken in Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania. In this language, all vowel qualities show long/short phonetic opposition. The article analyzes the phonological factors that must be taken into account to predict which ...
yaociguodong..sex ID:38963773 10 关注 0 粉丝 0 人气 +关注 最近在听 暂无歌曲 关于我们 | 商务合作 | 投诉指引 | 隐私政策 | 儿童隐私政策 | 用户服务协议 | 5sing音乐人协议 | 用户自制内容上传协议 | 联系我们 | 帮助中心 信息网络传播视听节目许可证:1910564号 增值电信业务经营许可证:粤B2-...
Describes the current situation of geological disaster,mine water environment,hazardous substances in Ciyaogou coal mine,and makes a forecast. Advises to duly deal with cracks,subsidence,water environment,waste gas,waste water,solid waste and so on,provides basic scientific information and basis for ...
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