It means taking out your mobile phone and weaving a "Weibo" 10 minutes after the interview. What is the "Weibo Queen"? No matter what you come for, what you talk about most is microblogging. Yesterday, Yao Chen (microblog) came to Han to promote a clothing brand, but the interview tur...
罗志祥经历与周扬青分手毁灭性爆料后,已沉寂一年多,近来也在为复出做准备,日前有粉丝制作剪辑一段有关罗志祥的影片,他亲自留言向粉丝承诺“我会努力回到我原本的位子”。 有粉丝在微博上贴出为罗志祥剪辑影片,还写道“我们的故事 一直未完待续…”,没想到竟钓出本尊留言回应,他坚定表示“我不会不见 给我点时间 ...