The scenery of Yantai Mountain is extremely beautiful and is one of the signature attractions of Yantai City. Here, you can enjoy the magnificent sea view and city landscape. There is also a bright lighthouse at the山顶of Yantai Mountain, which is one of the landmarks of Yantai City. Visi...
烟台(Yantai) 烟台产区作为中国葡萄酒工业的摇篮,拥有上百年酿酒及葡萄栽培历史。1892年,爱国华侨张弼士在烟台创立了张裕葡萄酿酒公司,这位中国近代葡萄酒工业进程打下坚实基础。 烟台产区三面环海,属于温带湿润季风气候,深受海洋影响,气候温和,年平均气温13摄氏度,烟台地区多丘陵、山地,土质都为棕色森林土,富含砾石,透...
港口名(英文)YANTAI 所在国家(中文)中国 所在国家(英文)CHINA 航线中国港口 介绍港口性质:海湾港、设有保税区、基本港(C) 经纬度:37°32′N,121°23′E 位于中国(全称:中华人民共和国THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA)山东(SHANDONG)半岛北岸的芝罘(ZHIFU)湾内,东邻威海(WEIHAI)港,濒临黄海的西南侧,距韩国仁... 数据更新:2024-11-03 8558 总排名 271 山东 184 政府门户 网站信息 网站类型:政府组织,政府门户 所属地区:山东,烟台 网站简介 查看站点信息 > 站点介绍 烟台市政府,烟台市政府门户网站,电子政务,数字地图,办事指南,政策法规,烟台新闻,烟台苹果,烟台旅游,烟台经济,烟台投资,烟台...
港口名称 烟台港 港口代码 CNYAN 主要港口 主要 国家/地区代码 中国/ CN 国家/地区 中国/ 烟台港 国家/地区英文名称 CHINA / YANTAI 航线名称 中国港口港口介绍 烟台港由芝罘湾港区、西港区、龙口港区、蓬莱港区四大港区组成,位于山东半岛北侧芝罘湾内。烟台港始建于1861年,港北由芝罘岛与市区相连,相成天然屏障...
Yantai woolen embroidery is a traditional handicraft which uses different colors of high-quality wool engraved steel wires. Its history can be traced back to over 2,000 years ago in China. Yantai has also won global fame for its wine culture. As the largest wine production base in China, th...
烟台(Yantai)是中国山东省的一个美丽城市,拥有丰富的自然和文化景点,下面是一些烟台的主要景点的英文介绍:1. Mount Taishan (泰山):Mount Taishan is one of China's most revered mountains and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is known for its stunning natural beauty and historical significance. The ... Service Aims: Quality first, Shipment second and Price third.We are always searching for new fabric and new products to meet buyer's updated sales program . TOP QUALITY AT COMPETITIVE PRICES +PROMPT DELIVERY=MORE PROFIT...
Yantai Longgang Pump Industry is a qualified supplier of CNPC, Sinopec, and CNOOC etc. It provides mature solutions for pumps in petrochemical equipment and provides key pumps for many domestic installations and applications such as tens of millions of tons of oil refining and millions of tons of...