港口名称 烟台港 港口代码 CNYAN 主要港口 主要 国家/地区代码 中国/ CN 国家/地区 中国/ 烟台港 国家/地区英文名称 CHINA / YANTAI 航线名称 中国港口港口介绍 烟台港由芝罘湾港区、西港区、龙口港区、蓬莱港区四大港区组成,位于山东半岛北侧芝罘湾内。烟台港始建于1861年,港北由芝罘岛与市区相连,相成天然屏障,...
The scenery of Yantai Mountain is extremely beautiful and is one of the signature attractions of Yantai City. Here, you can enjoy the magnificent sea view and city landscape. There is also a bright lighthouse at the山顶of Yantai Mountain, which is one of the landmarks of Yantai City. Visi...
燕台牌自卸式运输车(YANTAI) 底盘型号:YTQ1027D20TV 发动机型号:4L18E / 4D18F / LNJE3 发动机排量(cm³):1809 / 1809 / 1809 发动机功率(kW):40 / 40 / 43 总质量(kg):2450 燕台牌YTQ3033DF2TV型(第237批) 燕台牌自卸式运输车(YANTAI) 底盘型号:YTQ1033DF2TV 发动机型号:4L18E / 4D18F 发动机...
Yantai became one of the ports that were opened to foreign trade. In 1861, Yantai got its current name, and during the following years, the United Kingdom, France, the United States and other 17 countries set up consulates here.
港口名(英文)YANTAI 所在国家(中文)中国 所在国家(英文)CHINA 航线中国港口 介绍 港口性质:海湾港、设有保税区、基本港(C) 经纬度:37°32′N,121°23′E 位于中国(全称:中华人民共和国THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA)山东(SHANDONG)半岛北岸的芝罘(ZHIFU)湾内,东邻威海(WEIHAI)港,濒临黄海的西南侧,距韩国...
Yantai was recently ranked top among all cities in Shandong in terms of business environment. It also won accolades for being a top investment destination and an innovative city for business environment. 日前,烟台在山东所有城市的营...
中国China>烟台 Yantai 酿酒葡萄: 赤霞珠 100% 风味特征: 柔顺 酒款年份: 2002年 国内市场参考价: ¥66 酒款综述OVERVIEW 关于“张裕赤霞珠红葡萄酒(ChangYu Cabernet Sauvignon, Yantai, China) ”的酒款综述 这是一款来自中国的红葡萄酒,采用赤霞珠酿造而成。
觉醒乐队YanTai - 秋 作词:David范 作曲:David范 吉他:孔二愣 箱琴:David范 贝斯:贾仨 鼓:于洪翊 键盘:王文博 和声:二楞、文博、贾仨、桃子 女声:闫佳 编曲:觉醒乐队 录音混缩:1861录音棚 没有了知了的叫声 整个世界也安静了不少 只剩下拥挤的人群 ...
The city of Yantai recently received approximately 600 South Korean tourists, further solidifying its status as a popular travel destination. 近日,烟台市迎来了近600人的韩国大型旅游团队,为入境旅游市场开拓再添靓丽一笔。 This is the largest South Korean tourist group to visit since Yantai began issuing...
Yantai Huasheng International School is accredited byCognia, the largest education improvement organization in the world—demonstrating our commitment to learners, teachers, leaders and communities. Grow academically and beyond Ready to receive the highest quality education in a warm, caring and encouraging...