The novel in which the soil is taken as the main element in human life is started by the young journalist Defne Kaman coming to orum. Buket Uzuner invites the human being to respect for soil ethics and rights via Defne Kaman's adventures in her novel. Include...
OZET: Bu araW' rma, video-durumlar' n uzman yorumlar' yla zenginletirilmesinin ve video-durumlar' n tart'˙' lmas' icin oluturulan cevrimici tart'˙ ma gruplar 'nda oretmen adaylar' ile oretmenlerin birlikte bulunmalar'Q' n, o retmen adaylar'Q' ...
The Hanihak/Zaviye/"Reverse T Plan" scheme application, which can be interpreted as a new trial example within the Madrasa/Han/Caravansaray (Inn) plan group, is actually an important example of the formation of plan types of the religious thought structure of social tho...
1912-1913 BALKAN SAVAŞLARININ EDEBİYATA YANSIMASIThe Balkan Wars in 1912-1913, which has considered as a Balkan Disaster in the Turkish history, have echoed with many expressions in the literature. Many works devoted to these wars actually can be seen as elegies. Poems, legends, novels,...
The dimensions of the destruction of bombs were laid in hardly understood the true sense of the world's agenda. The same situation true for Turkey. Turkey, tried to retreat to his side by the Allies in World War II. sometimes it even forced to. But Turkish administration, chose to ...
MENE LKE ETKSNN TKETC ALGILAMALARI VE DAVRANILARINA YANSIMALARI: NGLTERE PAZARINDA TRK VE ALMAN MARKALARININ KARILATIRILMASI. (Turkish).This study investigates the reflections of 'country-of-origin effect' on consumers' brand perceptions and their behavioral intensions. In this context, a ...
YAYIN YAPMA YASAĞI KARARLARININ TÜRK MEDYASINA YANSIMASIIn our study legal basis of broadcasting prohibitions which are adjudicated by courts to written and visual media are investigated according to expression and freedom of the press and in which case the decision to ban publications such ...
In this context, one of the area that brings a new dimension to the traditional accounting applications is the area of invesment property which is regulated by IAS 40. The objective of this study is to explain both accounting policies implemented to investment properties in local accounting ...