古今诗词 > 汉语词典 > zhuanyang zhuanyangzhuanyang的同音词,近音词及组词语有:转阳.zhuanyang中文含义解释:下表包含 zhuanyang 相关词语 拼音 什么意思 解释等。共查找到拼音“zhuanyang组词语” 1 个 转阳 zhuǎn yáng ⒈ 苏醒,复生。[查看详情] 1 ...
3) GongYang Zhuan 《公羊传》 1. In the three biographies of ChunQiu,ZuoZhuan mainly expounds the historical facts in ChunQiu,while GongYang Zhuan and GuLiang Zhuan account for the texts in ChunQiu. 在《春秋》三传中,《左传》以阐述《春秋》的历史事实为主,《公羊传》与《谷梁传》则是以...
The theory of Gongyangxue is vividly reflected from its foundation worksGongyangzhuanto the key figure Dong Zhongshu and its epito-mizer He Xiu. 从公羊学的奠基之作《公羊传》,到形成公羊学的关键人物董仲舒,再到公羊学的集大成者何休,他(它)们的夷夏观具体反映了这一理论的发展轨迹。
The Gongyangzhuan 公羊传 is a commentary to the Confucian ClassicChunqiu 春秋 "Spring and Autumn Annals". It is said to have been written by Gongyang Gao 公羊高, a disciple of Zixia 子夏, who was himself a disciple of Confucius. During the reign of Emperor Jing 汉景帝 (r. 157-141 BCE...
battle is interpreted as a lack in etiquette or as a punishment for the evil deeds of a ruler in the past. The Gongyangzhuan has two main concepts of state and society, namely a great unity (da yi tong 大一统), and secondly, a historical development in three phases (san shi shuo ...
本文支持点词翻译 The Gongyangzhuan 公羊传 is a commentary to the Confucian ClassicChunqiu 春秋 "Spring and Autumn Annals". It is said to have been written by Gongyang Gao 公羊高, a disciple of Zixia 子夏, who was himself a disciple of Confucius. During the reign of Emperor Jing 汉景帝 ...
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battle is interpreted as a lack in etiquette or as a punishment for the evil deeds of a ruler in the past. The Gongyangzhuan has two main concepts of state and society, namely a great unity (da yi tong 大一统), and secondly, a historical development in three phases (san shi shuo ...
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