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2根据情境,读拼音写字词。父母靠yang can(()和编 liáng xi()供我上学。我一定要 kǎo()上大学,bì ye()之后,找个好工作回报 téng ai(
Yang Xi thinks music is an important part of his life. It can make him relaxed and comfortable. He likes music and often listens to music. Last Saturday his father bought an MP3 player for him as his twelfth birthday present. He often takes it with him. On his way to school, he of...
21. Chen Dacan - Han Gong Qiu Yue 汉宫秋月-二胡 902024-05 8 22. Cheng Yu - Three Ancient Tunes From YenZhou 兖州古曲三首--古筝 782024-05 9 23. Li He - Zo Xi Kou 走西口-笛子 732024-05 10 24. Chen Dacan - Xi Yang Yang 喜洋洋--新板胡 822024-05 查看更多 ...
We can also draw a line with a___. 翻译:我们还可以借助一___画线。 We can___. 翻译:我们可以___。 You see, we can draw a line with many things. 翻译:你看到了吧,我们可以借助很多物品画一条线。 Check and tick 翻译:检测并打勾 I know these words: 翻译:我认识这些单词: study ...
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Yang Xi thinks music is an important part of his life. It can make him relaxed and comfortable. He likes music and often listens to music. Last Saturday his father bought an MP3 player for him as his twelfth birthday present. He often takes it with him. On his way to school, he ofte...
Yang Xi thinks music is an important part of his life. It can make him relaxed and comfortable. He likes music and often listens to music. Last Saturday his father bought an MP3 player for him as his twelfth birthday present. He often takes it with him. On his way to school, he oft...
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