Additionally, some YMTC executives previously worked for Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation, which was added to the Entity List in December 2020.[40][41] 【参考译文】2021年7月,美国众议员迈克尔·麦考尔(Michael McCaul)和比尔·哈格蒂(Bill Hagerty)致函美国商务部长,主张将长江存储(YMTC)...
Effective Author Date 0 Emma Mao Initiate Change Description 1 YMTC Yangtze Memory Technologies Co., Ltd. Doc. No.: Doc. Title: YMTC 商业行为道德规范(暂行) Rev.: 0 Page No.: 2/20 1. 名称: 《YMTC 商业行为道德规范》(暂行) 2. 目的: 确认员工在中国及全球从事各项业务时需遵循的商业道德...
get(Class entityClass,Serializable id) save(Object entity) saveOrUpdate(Object entity) update(Object entity) setMaxResults(int maxResults) 设置分页的大小 2. hibernateTemplate的回调机制 1. /** * 使用hql 语句进行操作 * @param hql * @param offset * @param length * @return List */ publicList...
Inspired particularly by the theory of agential realism, Harrison also contends that heritage can be profitably understood as a men- tal (discursive) and material entity; heritage does not only occur 'in the minds of humans… but involves a range of material beings who co-produce heritage as ...