1. A Study of Graves of Yangshao and Longshan Cultures in Luoyang; 洛阳仰韶和龙山文化时期墓葬研究更多例句>> 2) Yangshao Liquor 仰韶酒 1. Successful Example of Microbe Techniques Transplantation of Luzhou-flavor Liquor——Yangshao Liquor; 浓香型酒微生物技术移植成功范例——仰韶酒...
6) Yangshao 仰韶 1. A Study of Graves of Yangshao and Longshan Cultures in Luoyang; 洛阳仰韶和龙山文化时期墓葬研究 更多例句>> 补充资料:仰韶村遗址 中国黄河流域新石器时代的遗址,仰韶文化命名地。位于河南省渑池县城北 7.5公里仰韶村南的台地上。遗址长约900米,宽约300米,面积近30万平方米。1920年...
Prehistoric Times For centuries, people have questioned the origins of the heavens, the earth and mankind. It is said that the human fossils discovered inWushanCounty ofChongqingwere the remnants of the earliest humans that lived in China. However, it is also theorized by some scientists that th...
1. Also, it is one kind of the most characteristic tools of Pre-Yangshao Culture in Northern China. 石铲是我国新石器时代直至夏商周时期一种重要的农业生产工具,也是北方前仰韶时代出土数量较多且最具特色的生产工具之一。2) Yangshao 仰韶 1. A Study of Graves of Yangshao and Longshan Cultures ...
6) Yangshao 仰韶 1. A Study of Graves of Yangshao and Longshan Cultures in Luoyang; 洛阳仰韶和龙山文化时期墓葬研究 更多例句>> 补充资料:半坡型仰韶文化陶器 半坡型仰韶文化陶器 以陕西西安半坡遗址为代表,距今已有六千多年。陶器都是手制。主要用泥条盘筑法,小型器物直接用手捏制,有少部分见有便用...
4) Yangshao 仰韶 1. A Study of Graves of Yangshao and Longshan Cultures in Luoyang; 洛阳仰韶和龙山文化时期墓葬研究 更多例句>> 5) the remains of the middle and later stages of Yangshao Culture 仰韶文化中晚期遗存6) Yangshao Liquor 仰韶酒 1. Successful Example of Microbe Techniques ...
2) Painted Pottery Culture;Yang Shao Culture 彩陶文化; 仰韶文化 3) Yangshao 仰韶 1. A Study of Graves of Yangshao and Longshan Cultures in Luoyang; 洛阳仰韶和龙山文化时期墓葬研究 更多例句>> 4) Yangshao Liquor 仰韶酒 1. Successful Example of Microbe Techniques Transplantation of Luzhou-...
A Study of Graves of Yangshao and Longshan Cultures in Luoyang; 洛阳仰韶和龙山文化时期墓葬研究 更多例句>> 4) Yangshao culture 仰韶文化 1. Preliminary Study on Ancient Human DNA from Yangshao Culture; 仰韶文化人类遗骸古DNA的初步研究 2. From War to Amalgamation :Looking at the Relationship...
A Study of Graves of Yangshao and Longshan Cultures in Luoyang; 洛阳仰韶和龙山文化时期墓葬研究 更多例句>> 补充资料:仰韶酒 仰韶酒,属浓香型,系中州佳酿。历史悠久,是古“醴泉春”的继承的发展,酒厂设在举世闻名的“仰韶文化”发源地渑池县而得名。 “良酒出佳泉”,仰韶酒所以有名,是因为用名泉——醴...