Yang Xiaojuan and her husband Guo Qingshun made a small couple of friends. They often got together. They got up early every day to make and sell baozi.At around 3:00 am on 29 October, 2023, Yang and Guo were busy making baozi. Suddenly, they heard a loud cry. Then Yang saw a ...
Yang Xiaojuan and her husband Guo Qingshun made a small couple of friends. They often got together. They got up early every day to make and sell baozi.At around 3:00 am on 29 October, 2023, Yang and Guo were busy making baozi. Suddenly, they heard a loud cry. Then Yang saw a ...
Yang Xiaojuan and her husband (丈夫) Guo Qingshun run a smallbaozishop in Haiyan County of Zhejiang Province.1 At about 3 am on October 29th, when they were busy makingbaozi, they heard a loud cry near their shop.2She only wore a nappy (尿不湿). ...
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Yang Xiaojuan and her husband Guo Qingshun made a small couple of friends. They often got together. They got up early every day to make and sell baozi. At around 3:00 am on 29 October, 2023, Yang and Guo were busy making baozi. Suddenly, they heard a loud cry. Then Yang saw a ...
根据第一段第一句“YangXiaojuanandherhusbandGuoQingshunrun a smallbaozishopinHaiyan, Jiaxing, Zhejiang.(杨小娟和她的丈夫郭青山在浙江嘉兴海盐经营一家小包子店。)”可知,我们可以知道他们的工作,故答案为A。53.【答案】D【解析】题干意思是:从第二段我们可以知道杨___。A项:给了女孩包子;B项:把女孩带到...
1.会写字。(读拼音,写词语)Cuo zong cheng bi ping z ǎodang yang (huo yan shou xue shun jian ning shi zhou ran tou zhi dou ran ge zhi /) 答案 1.错综澄碧萍藻荡漾火焰瘦削瞬间凝视骤然投掷陡然搁置相关推荐 14.读拼音,写词语。cuo zongchéng bishou*ue g∈zhi shinjiCnning shizhou randou...