Yin-yang theorizes that everything in the world is interoppositionally unified with 2 dynamic opposites (yin and yang), interrooted, interchangeable, and interconvertible. Tai chi (TC) mov...
谷歌VideoPoet项目Research Lead,CMU兼职教授蒋路的Google Scholar资料显示已加入TikTok。 最近,有传闻TikTok招募了某篇论文的作者作为北美技术部门负责人,研发能和Sora对抗的视频生成AI。 而蒋路3周前在Linkedin上发布了离职谷歌的消息,也向外界揭开了谜底。 他作为谷歌VideoPoet项目的负责人,将离开Google Research,不过...
This paper presents a case study comparing citations found in Scopus and Google Scholar with those found in Web of Science (the portal used to search the three ISI citation databases) for items published by two Library and Information Science full-time faculty members. In addition, the paper ...
Article ADS MathSciNet Google Scholar Arbesfeld, N., Schiffmann, O.: A presentation of the deformed W1+∞ algebra. In: Symmetries, Integrable Systems and Representations, volume 40 of Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, pp. 1–13. Springer, Heidelberg (2013) Brundan, J., Kles...
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