Yandex Games is a one stop launcher featuring an extensive catalog of video games. Feel free to take your pick from any of the available options. Smart feed. T…
Yandex Games is a one stop launcher featuring an extensive catalog of video games. Feel free to take your pick from any of the available options. Smart feed. T…
We've shared a few publishers in web gaming, but one that is making waves in Asia is Russia'sYandex Games, a division of Yandex, Russia's most popular search engine. The company has been building its gaming division for thepast five yearsand is growing rapidly across Asia and other areas...
When your game has integrated the Yandex.Games SDK and implemented the functionality to initialise the SDK and show ads it is ready to be submitted to Yandex.Games. Before you can submit the game you need to register the game on the Yandex.Games developer dashboard. Login to the Yandex.Gam...
登录成功后,在Yandex首页,找到“游戏”或“Yandex Games”的相关入口。你可以在首页的菜单中或直接搜索“Yandex Game”进行跳转。 4.选择并开始游戏 进入Yandex Game平台后,你会看到平台提供的各种游戏。根据你的兴趣,选择一个游戏并点击开始。在选择游戏时,Yandex Game会提供分类筛选,帮助你快速找到想要玩的游戏类型...
Yandex Games SDK for Contstruct 3 JavaScript 8 1 common Public Common docs and utils for Yandex Games Plugins DefinitelyTyped Public Forked from DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped The repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions. TypeScript Something went wrong, please refresh the page...
上海,2024 年 7 月 25 日—— 东欧及独联体地区领先的广告平台 Yandex Ads 与 Yandex 旗下重要免费页游门户网站 Yandex Games 合作,于 7 月 26 日至 28 日在 ChinaJoy 2024 上展示针对游戏开发商和发行商进入俄罗斯市场的本地化解决方案,展位位于 W5 馆 305。俄罗斯游戏市场前景广阔。2023 年,俄罗斯移动...
1. Yandex Games 这是Yandex的小游戏网站,不知道有没有唤起大家对4399的童年记忆?这里面游戏的种类有很多,可以按照自己的喜好进行选择,游戏语言也可以选择俄语: 各种可爱的益智类小游戏也必不可少: 甚至还有我们熟悉的森林冰火人: ...
Yandex Ads 和 Yandex Games 将在 2024 ChinaJoy 上展示 游戏出海俄罗斯市场的机遇和解决方案,来自游戏茶馆-全球移动游戏行业媒体与平台
Yandex Games 是一个网页游戏平台,月活跃用户超过 4000 万人,去年向开发者支付了超过 3 千万美元,这对希望进入俄罗斯市场或走向全球的中国游戏开发者来说是一个有利可图的选择。 “网页游戏市场持续增长,蕴藏着巨大的未开发潜力。对于许多开发者来说,网页游戏提供了一个以最少的前期投资和较少的竞争来创造收入的机...