上一张 Yandex Image Search chrome谷歌浏览器插件_扩展截图 下一张 Yandex Image Search chrome谷歌浏览器插件_扩展截图 简介: 此扩展为所选图像添加了上下文菜单选项,以便在 Yandex 上找到它。 在上下文菜单“在 Yandex 中搜索图像”中添加一个选项,在 Yandex 中右键单击搜索图像。您可以选择 Ru 和 Com!在Yande...
The offline & original crx file ofImage search for Yandex v2.0.1was fully archived from the web store server and is for home or personal use only. You could learn more about theImage search for Yandexor proceed to install it to your web browser....
However, lately I’ve been experimenting a lot with other potential search engines on the internet and yesterday I stumbled uponYandex– a Russian search engine with remarkablereverse image search capabilities. Not only is Yandex reverse image search equally capable as Google Images, but it also se...
Add an option to the context menu "Search for an image in Yandex" Search for an image with a right click in Yandex.You can choose between...
Next time you travel somewhere where you do not speak the language make sure you have Yandex image search handy. I am sure you will find it helpful.
search by image, a must-have tool for dropshipping. Yandex is a trademark of Yandex Inc. This extension was developed by AliPrice.com and is not an official extension of Yandex. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us. https://www.aliprice.com/information...
In addition, the Yandex.Maps application marks places that have not yet opened or have already finished working in gray. Yandex receives prices for goods and services from the organizations themselves or collects them on their websites. Any company can add its prices to mobile Yandex.Maps ...
总的来说,Yandex Image Search是一款非常实用的反向图像搜索工具,它可以帮助你快速地找到想要的图片,让你的搜索体验更加便捷高效。如果你经常在互联网上查找图片或使用图片,那么不妨尝试一下Yandex Image Search吧,相信它会给你带来意想不到的帮助。 在这个AI技术飞速发展并日益渗透到我们生活各方面的时代,了解和掌握AI...
资源名称:Image Search Assistant v2.0.4.0(支持多引擎以图搜图 集合google,百度,yandex,bing等搜索) 当前版本: 往期版本:Image Search Assistant 搜图助手 支持多引擎搜索相似图片的以图搜图插件(← 查看旧版 更多介绍) 附件名: 1669426334-Image-Search-Assistant-v2.0.4.0.zip ...
9、SauceNAO Image Search 地址:https://saucenao.com 专用于插画、漫画、动画等作品的图片搜索引擎,特别是对图片网站 Pixiv(pixiv.net)搜索效果极好,上传图片,即可获得图片的来源和地址。 More、还是找不到怎么办? 如果通过上面的网站,还是找不到原始图片,怎么办? 可以通过将图片放大的方法,间接获得高清版图片。