Free game, but requires an OpenAI API Key This is a crazy one. Essentially, you are stuck in a room with a crazy Yandere who calls herself your girlfriend and your goal is to escape the room. The twist is, she's powered by ChatGPT meaning no two playthroughs will ever be the same...
Yandere AI Girlfriend Simulator: With You Til The End is a ChatGPT yandere simulation game. where you attempt to escape a house. 游戏最大的特色,是NPC没有事先配置好的台词,完全凭借玩家的嘴炮。 但也因此,会有些莫名其妙的玩法,比如有网友留言: 发现一种最简单的通关方法,说帮她煮菜然后酱油不够了,就说出门打酱油,她就帮开门了 还有的网友说: 笑死了,猫娘特爱原神,我...