Yancheng Body Fashion Ltd 爱企查 天眼查 存续报关画像收发货人 法定代表人:Oliver Michael Spiesshofer 注册资本:1500万美元 统一社会信用代码:网址:http://www.globalsources.com 地址:盐城市青年东路8号联系方式 联系电话 vip会员可看 邮箱 vip会员可看 点击右边按钮查看更多信息: 全部联系方式 进出口信用...
In recent years, Dongtai takes the two leading enterprises of Fuan cocoon silk and Mingxing cocoon and silk as the main body, adopts the "company + cooperative + sericulture" industrialization mode of operation, and signs the production and sales contract through cooperatives and silkworms, and co...