Dr Yan Zhang Dr Yan Zhang holds a master degree from Tsinghua University and a PhD from Peking University. He is the founder of Asia-Pacific Financial Town and Mining Circle. He has established multiple resource funds such as Lanhai Mining and inspected hundreds of projects all over the world....
The current location of Peking University used to be the campus of Yenching University which was called Yan Yuan. It is situated in the northwestern suburb of Beijing, neighboring the well-known Qing-Dynasty imperial resorts "Summer Palace" and "Fragrant Hill" and the celebrated Tsinghua ...
On May 29th, the Student Services Office and the Student Union of Peking University School of Transnational Law (STL) invited five Chinese law faculty members and Assistant Dean Charly Zhang to participate in a symposium aimed at addressing students’ concerns on studying and applying Chinese law ...
guoqin AT stu.pku.edu.cn Peking University Follow Yuxi Liu LIU-YUXI Tongji University, Peking University Shenzhen Follow QianyuH Abbey4799 Ph.D. candidate in CS, Fudan University Fudan University Shanghai Follow hzwer hzwer @StepFun Follow Zhen...
On October 15, in a salon event, Dai Jinhua, a Humanities Professor at Peking University and Director of the university’s Film and Culture Research Center, engaged in a face-to-face dialogue with students and fa...
As the year ends, winter's calm settles in, bringing with it a peaceful stillness to our bustling campus. Silently,a splendid blanket of snow adornsPeking University, painting a pristine scene to behold. 岁末将至,敬颂冬绥 一起欣赏红楼飞雪、净...
Born in 1981, Zhang Ran graduated from Beijing Jiaotong University in 2004 with a degree in Computer Science. After a stint in the IT industry, Mr. Zhang became a reporter and news analyst with Economic Daily and China Economic Net, during which time his news commentary won a China News Aw...
Z. Zhang, Y. Li,…, L. Ding Bioresource Technology • Volume 361 • 1 October 2022View details in Scopus18 citations Scopus record ReviewNanoscience and Nanotechnology at Jilin University: A Virtual Issue K. Liu,…, Y. Li ACS Nano • Volume 16, Issue 7 • 26 July 2022 Scopus ...
Zhang, Taiyan 章太炎. 1987. Guoxue lueshuo 国学略说. Taibei: The Liberal Arts Press. [Google Scholar] Zhou, Defeng 周德丰. 2006. Yan Fu dui Laozi zhexue sixiang de jindai jiedu 严复对老子哲学思想的近代解读. Journal of Tianjin Normal University 天津师范大学学报 1: 29–32, 52. [Google ...
Zhang Hanjing and Ye Shaoyong, “『瑜伽師地論』に対する 未知の注釈書の梵文写本断簡―予備的報告―,” 東洋学術研究 (Journal of Oriental Studies) 59/1, 2020, 294−280 Zhang Hanjing and Ye Shaoyong, “Sanskrit Folios from an Unknown Commentary on theYogācārabhūmi: A Preliminary Report...