The Yammer web experience has now become Viva Engage. Additionally, Yammer SharePoint webpart, Yammer Embed, Outlook notifications and Yammer mobile app have all been rebranded ... Quick question about the below paragraph: URLs domains and APIs will not be rebranded until the ...
The Yammer web experience has now become Viva Engage. Additionally, Yammer SharePoint webpart, Yammer Embed, Outlook notifications and Yammer mobile app have all been rebranded ...
Yammer Message Translation enables your organization to easily translate messages to and fromsupported languages. Thanks to the power of Microsoft Translator, translating Yammer conversations into your native language is now possible with the click of a button. When a colleague posts a message in a l...
Instead, I decided to build an export utility hosted in Windows Azure to perform all the export and augmentation for you. For those that are interested in the details of this utility (ex: for the purpose of adding additional enhancements), I have provide provided the entire Visual Studio ...
Live Event playbook 11 Managing the conversation Best Practice: The Yammer moderator can start the Yammer discussion 15 minutes prior to the start of the event by posting an open-ended question and have attendees answer. The default post type for Live Events is asking a Question, so you can ...
Code Issues Pull requests YammerShell is a Windows PowerShell module to access Yammer with PowerShell. It uses Yammer's REST API powershell rest-api yammer office365 powershell-cmdlets Updated Jan 12, 2022 C# octogonz / yamster Sponsor Star 6 Code Issues Pull requests Yamster! - a ...
aceda à página do evento no Viva Engage e introduza a sua pergunta ou comentário na parte superior da página do evento sob o vídeo ou a ligaçãoParticipar. Leia as outras conversações para ver se a sua pergunta ou comentário já foi publicado. Se for...
Wählen Sie in der ersten Nachricht das MenüMehr und dannVerschiebenaus. Wählen Sie die Zielcommunity aus. Klicken Sie aufUnterhaltung verschieben, um sie in die neue Community zu verschieben. Es wird ein Banner angezeigt, das bestätigt, dass die Unterhaltung verschobe...
Yammer has apps for Android, iOS, Blackberry and Windows Phone, but have you ever heard of it? If you haven’t already, you soon will. Snapped up in June by Microsoft for a nice $1.2 billion, this is a corporate-friendly social media website that is growing rapidly in popularity with...
Viva Engage Blog The Yammer web experience has now become Viva Engage. Additionally, Yammer SharePoint webpart, Yammer Embed, Outlook notifications and Yammer mobile app have all been rebranded ...