This desktop app is but a native client for your Windows PC, to simplify the way you interact with Yammer. It encompasses the entire functionality of the service, hence the Office 365 business email restrictions. It’s worth mentioning that you won’t be able to use the desktop client witho...
Disse oppdateringene omfatter sikkerhetsoppdateringer som beskytter PC-en mot skadelige virus, spionprogrammer og annen skadelig programvare, som kan stjele personlige opplysninger. Windows Update installerer også de nyeste...
Unlock now Announcing Copilot in Viva Enagage! Copilot in Viva Engage is now generally available. Blog announcement Learn more Get started with Viva Engage Use Viva Engage to connect with co-workers in your organization through communities and conversations. ...
This desktop app is but a native client for your Windows PC, to simplify the way you interact with Yammer. It encompasses the entire functionality of the service, hence the Office 365 business email restrictions. It’s worth mentioning that you won’t be able to use the desktop client witho...