Yamli lets you unlock the Arabic web without needing an Arabic keyboard. Just type it the way you say it!
Our mission Yamli's mission is to empower Arabic users on the web. We develop products that solve everyday problems Arabic users face on the internet, making in the process the Arabic web experience a more enjoyable one. Today we offer two main products: theSmart Arabic Keyboard, andYamli...
1.1 About the Yamli API Yamli’s technology allows users to type Arabic using Latin characters. By licensing Yamli, you can use Yamli to allow your users to easily type Arabic in all the HTML forms on your website, including email, forums, search boxes, comment forms, etc… Our technol...
八、函数和正则表达式的转换 这是JS-YAML库特有的功能,可以把函数和正则表达式转为字符串。 # example.yml fn:function() {return1} reg:/test/ 解析上面的 yml 文件的代码如下。 varyaml =require('js-yaml'); varfs =require('fs'); try{ vardoc = yaml.load( fs.readFileSync('./example.yml','...
Yamli, the Arabic transliteration and search tool, has launched what they call Yamli Translation Project. I call it, super cool! In case you dropped off the planet for a couple of years, Yamli was the first Arabic transliteration tool that
Yamli, which means dictate in Arabic, is a tool that allows you to type in Arabic script without using an Arabic keyboard. An updated version of the popular Smart Keyboard, has just been released. The update, still in Beta, introduces rich
YAML 是 "YAML Ain't a Markup Language"(YAML 不是一种标记语言)的递归缩写。在开发的这种语言时,YAML 的意思其实是:"Yet Another Markup Language"(仍是一种标记语言) 后缀yaml yml2|0语法大小写敏感使用缩进表示层级关系缩进不允许使用tab,只允许空格...
出生日期: 2005年11月 22日 城市: 鄂木斯克 收起详细信息 基本资料 籍贯: Omsk 语言: Italiano 121 粉丝 2 条动态 2 照片 Dima的动态2 搜索 Yamlikhanov Dima 10月22日 16:56·已更新照片 Yamlikhanov Dima 19 8月 2023·已更新照片 暂无任何动态 ...
北京时间3月22日,俄罗斯足球乙级联赛2级银组第4轮展开争夺,库尔斯克前卫坐镇主场迎战基洛夫迪纳摩。比赛中,库尔斯克前卫依靠Radiy Yamlikhanov的进球取得领先。最终,库尔斯克前卫以1-0战胜基洛夫迪纳摩,全取三分。 点击查看本场比赛详细数据>> 精彩瞬间 第18分钟,库尔斯克前卫球员Radiy Yamlikhanov打入一球。