Property 'HtmlTemplate' not found on type 'ConsoleApplication1.Repositories.YamlTemplateRepository+DeserializeableTemplate'. I am using an alias, but even scratching that, and using a test class with the right property names does not set it right. What am I doing wrong? Have I misunderstood...
When this property is true, naming conventions are not applied to the associated member. This solvesissue 228. Bug fixes Other The samples have been added to the project as a new unit test project, to ensure that they stay up-to-date with the code. In the future, a documentation page ...
(var kv in mappingNode.Children) { if (kv.Key.ToString() == "MyStaticProperty") { MyClass.MyStaticProperty = kv.Value.ToString(); } } } return instance; } public void WriteYaml(IParser parser, IYamlWriter writer, object value) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } class ...
During serialization, when using the EnsureRoundtrip method, it is necessary to register tag mappings for each type that will require a tag, that is, any type that is used as the value of a property with a different declared type. Fix bug where deserialized values were not being converted ...
When this property is true, naming conventions are not applied to the associated member. This solvesissue 228. Bug fixes Other The samples have been added to the project as a new unit test project, to ensure that they stay up-to-date with the code. In the future, a documentation page ...
During serialization, when using the EnsureRoundtrip method, it is necessary to register tag mappings for each type that will require a tag, that is, any type that is used as the value of a property with a different declared type. Fix bug where deserialized values were not being converted ...
Ensure compatibility with AOT compilation, for platforms that do not allow dynamic code generation, such as IOS or PS4. Add Yaml attribute overrides feature, similar to XML Serializer attribute overrides behavior. Add a YamlNodeType enumeration property to nodes.Bug fixes:Fix...